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    Penn state vs Hawkeye

    Will the real hawkeyes come on the field
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    Penn state vs Hawkeye

    Thank you hawkeye god
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    Penn state vs Hawkeye

    Come on line block
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    Penn state vs Hawkeye

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    Penn state vs Hawkeye

    Come on d
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    Penn state vs Hawkeye

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    Penn state vs Hawkeye

    Hello taylor
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    Penn state vs Hawkeye

    Come on iowa this a fight
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    Penn state vs Hawkeye

    Nice run tyler
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    Penn state vs Hawkeye

    It is time to get some respect
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    Iowa/Penn St Predictions

    Iowa by 7
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    Xavier Foster kicked off team

    Foster a sex crime what waste of talent. I hope he can get his life together
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    Urban Meyer caught cheating on his wife

    Omg my daughter worked at hyvee in high school
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    Where Are They Now

    Great news fry thank you
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    No more Dakich on ESPN

    Good I'm glad he is gone. When he talking it was like taking your fingers across a chalk board. How he talked you thought he was john wooden. But he is a bad man on the stick
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    Are we good emough

    You are right dad check out the next 2 games defense we are there but offense we need help. Go hawkeyes
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    This ain't all Petras

    I like how keagen looks he has wheels . got to get offense line going they looked bad . I love the defense and the kicking game
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    Official: Where's the Gamethread? Gamethread: Iowa Poaches some Sheep from Out West

    Ugly win but we did find out we need to play the freshmen wide receivers .they are fast enough winded the field
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    Official: Where's the Gamethread? Gamethread: Iowa Poaches some Sheep from Out West

    Colorado State line is good give them a hand