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  1. Blackhawk33

    Name the Big Ten Divisions

    Wind-Fire Division Earth-Water Division
  2. Blackhawk33

    WHY does ESPN continue to employ Holtz?

    In my house we call him Duckbill Platypus. He sounds like Donald Duck's always depressed brother or something. Especially when he's all "Hey, why's everybody picking on Notre Dame today? That's not fair."
  3. Blackhawk33

    Nebraska Fans...

    More like Big Ten Chumps! Ha!
  4. Blackhawk33

    Ferentz and Bubble Gum

    I think he's just noting when someone commits a penalty or makes a boneheaded play. That way he'll now exactly when to stop the tape and point it out when they review it. Plus, if you're a player for the Hawks, and you make a stupid play, then look over to the sideline at your coach, and you see...
  5. Blackhawk33

    Ferentz and Bubble Gum

    If that's the case, who could blame him? Have seen what Mentos can do for you? Mentos have more power than Three-Wolf-Moon shirt and Atlantis Ring combined! YouTube - Mentos commercial (Traffic light) from the 90s
  6. Blackhawk33

    Ferentz and Bubble Gum

    Has anyone else noticed how Coach Ferentz no longer chews the bubble gum? When did this happen? Did he decide it was a bad habit or something? I thought it was kind of cool, when you had this badass coach of a badass team, barking orders, stomping up and down the sidelines, then blowing a big...
  7. Blackhawk33

    The Perfect Uniform

    I agree, it's not gold at all, but neither is the color we currently use.
  8. Blackhawk33

    The Perfect Uniform

    Watching the throwback unis last week got me thinking. Maybe we don't have the best uniforms we could have. The gold on the throwbacks was way better than our current plain yellow gold. Plus, the simple gold stripes on the shoulders looked a lot cooler than the clunky Steeler yellow and white...
  9. Blackhawk33

    Big East Name Change Options

    The East by Southwest Conference
  10. Blackhawk33

    KF on Dan Patrick Show 9/30

    Yes, that would be awesome! Until word got back to his players that he now thinks they're hot to trot, and suddenly guys don't quite practice as hard, because, "damn it, we're good, and we know we're good," and suddenly 6 Seconds of Hell becomes 2 Seconds of Hell and 4 Seconds of Thinking About...
  11. Blackhawk33

    Kinnick color scheme and the cold

    Uh-oh, here come the brown Carhartts and camo parkas.
  12. Blackhawk33

    Iowa flags everywhere

    No doubt. The Tigerhawk is the new peace sign.
  13. Blackhawk33

    Iowa-ISU through eyes of Ben Bruns (former ISU Player)

    I did enjoy his analysis, as well. It's just hilarious how he almost contained his emotions through the whole thing, then- NOPE! Just couldn't help himself! Had to throw in the last paragraph and vent some of that lunchroom anger.
  14. Blackhawk33

    Iowa-ISU through eyes of Ben Bruns (former ISU Player)

    Sometimes I get the feeling some Cyclone fans take even genuine compliments as backhanded compliments when coming from us Iowa fans. Us, more mature, much wiser, Iowa fans.
  15. Blackhawk33


    ESPN Rankings: 1. Alabama (by default) 2. USC 3. Boise St. (Now they are driving the wagon) 4. NY Yankees 5. Notre Dame 6. Dallas Cowboys
  16. Blackhawk33

    What will infuriate you more?

    Neither Boise St. playing for NC or Moore winning the Heisman would infuriate me. Unless, there were three undefeated teams, Iowa was one of them, but got left out of the NC game because Boise St. was voted in instead.
  17. Blackhawk33

    Hawkeye flag at BS VT game.

    Dude, that is awesome. Whoever is the leader of this underground Iowa flag movement is a outright genius.
  18. Blackhawk33

    Thoughts on Iowa

    Some other observations: - Bruce Davis. Who? He was the guy playing for Tarp at MLB. I don't recall ever really seeing him while watching the game. That is strange for a MLB playing at Iowa. At least that means he wasn't getting burned or anything. - Brad Herman. I saw CJF on the bench behind...
  19. Blackhawk33

    Vote! (Hawk related)

    You think Arnaud will overthrow my change when I go through drive-through?