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  1. T

    Should WHOTV 13 have aired the Ferentz video?

    Back to CyFan you go sir. Boycotting is for butthurt clowns.
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    Should WHOTV 13 have aired the Ferentz video?

    Yeah Gaylord!
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    Peter Jok #10 rated prospect

    2 words when talking about Van Coleman's credibility: Brennan. Cougill.
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    Should WHOTV 13 have aired the Ferentz video?

    It wasn't even a tough freaking question. To Jon's point that it wasn't the question, but moreso the source, and rabbit hole issue, didn't he already make the point with his condescension in answering the question with the "Well we know it's true then"? The guy is so stubborn it is unbelievable.
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    Should WHOTV 13 have aired the Ferentz video?

    This might be the most ridiculous take I've seen on this board in weeks. And that's tough. Lindsay Lohan is a freaking public figure.
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    Should WHOTV 13 have aired the Ferentz video?

    On what planet is it not fair game? I guess that would be my question. He's still in the room where there was a press conference, and reporters still around lol.
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    Guest View: Is Ferentz Legacy Fading?

    I have the ability to chop my right arm off to become more coordinated with my left hand. I have thus far in my life shown that I am unwilling to do so. Therefore, who gives a crap what my ability is?
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    Guest View: Is Ferentz Legacy Fading?

    1997 was KF's 2010.
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    Guest View: Is Ferentz Legacy Fading?

    With 1997 being an absolutely STACKED team.