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  1. T


    You can tell we are good hawk fans here when this is the only game being questioned lol
  2. T

    Am I the only one who likes Iowa over Illannoy?

    They are an overall worse team than Indiana with basically the same line-up mismatches. We can beat them.
  3. T

    Damn roommates

    She is just mad because they never invited her to join in.
  4. T

    Peyton Manning

    This post is so ignornant.
  5. T

    Iowa is a 2.5 pt underdog to Illinois

    Here is a true fan if I've ever seen one:)
  6. T

    Anybody up for having this job?

    Someone needs to paint EA. I will gladly take one for the team.
  7. T

    My favorite part of the Greg Davis presser

    I agree with tm here except he is 6'7 270 so that proves the point even further.
  8. T

    Northwestern Roll Call

    That's what she said.
  9. T

    Northwestern Roll Call

    Slez standing by. Oh wait...
  10. T

    50-Years Ago Tonight!

    I kinda miss slez now.
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    Kyle Meyer: OMG

    Don't have a bad computer then. It worked on my laptop and phone. So I'm guessing its not the video.
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    Kyle Meyer: OMG

  13. T

    Great idea....

    This picture is a win.
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    ESPN: B1G Rankings #8 McNutt

  15. T

    Great idea....

    Before you posted this you did know that like 90% of people didn't like oregons court.
  16. T

    -OFFICIAL: Iowa vs Bugeaters thread-

    offensive maybe.
  17. T

    VanLaere: Iowa Basketball and the Postseason

    Ghost is wrong like usual. Who is surprised?
  18. T

    Should I check out Gesell tonight?

    Please go. We would love to hear some good info on our recruit.
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    Harrison barnes welcome back to Iowa. Jk.
  20. T

    2 games left, if you would have told me in November

    One thing we all didn't count on tho was AW.