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  1. I

    SF possible transfer

    Although the article doesn't make it seem like it's more than a 2 man's race between Xavier and Kansas State, Iowa made the top 8 for Syracuse SF transfer Matthew Moyer. Fran offered out of HS, 4* true SF. I think with the roster the way it is going forward assuming one of Cook and Moss or both...
  2. I

    2019 Recruiting: Big Board

    If you can point to where I said as a for sure thing that the Hawkeyes would be better without Cook I would love to see it. I said I'm not sure if we will be better with Cook or worse without Cook. I think the matchups are better w/o Cook, but that doesn't always equate to a better season or a...
  3. I

    Playing out of position

    It is a guard's game, therefore you actually have to play 3 guards which Baer nor Nunge is not. Baer played the 4 in two years prior when he had good years. He can get to the basket, and Nunge is definitely a more favorable matchup. He shoots better and with his length can get to the rim and...
  4. I

    Playing out of position

    Because he scored and we had 10000 other big men that he thought needed minutes? I think we've established why nunge and baer didn't play the 4. I never said I would have benched him this year, but the roster for next year without Cook at the 4 looks like it matches up with other B10 teams. If...
  5. I

    Playing out of position

    Classic 56 response. Look at the players that played the 4 last year and then tell me who Cook matches up well with on BOTH ends of the floor. I can think of 1, Jackson from Michigan State because he is more of a post-up type but even he can stretch the floor a bit.
  6. I

    Playing out of position

    He scored 15 PPG but then turned around on the other end of the floor and gave his opponent 15 as well. He scored 15 a game against stretch 4 "big men" who couldn't body with him under the basket. If you truly wanted defense like i've seen consistently from you on these boards why are you taking...
  7. I

    Playing out of position

    Look at all the final four teams this year and tell me what team doesn't play a 3 guard lineup, with a strict stretch 4 and a big. I would love to have Cook back if he can improve the "stretch" part of being the 4 man, or if he's playing the 5 (but still don't think his low post defense is...
  8. I

    Iowa Basketball Recruits

    Carton is a PG that can play SG. Anthony Clemmons comes to mind. He was a PG, recruited as one and played it, but he can play SG if the coach wanted to go to a smaller lineup. I would love this lineup and put in Nunge/McCaffery, whichever you prefer. Nunge seems to be so easily forgotten after...
  9. I

    Playing out of position

    Imagine if all 5 guys on the floor had to be guarded straight up with respect everywhere on the floor. If Cook came back with an improved jumper out to the 3 point line I agree he would be a big loss after next season, but I don't see anything in his that isn't replaceable. I thought we would be...
  10. I

    Playing out of position

    Nunge is definitely a threat from 3. 33% is way better than anything we threw at the 4 position last year. The Turnovers I understand, but Nunge still averaged less than Cook by 1.5 turnovers per game. The only person even close to Cook on turnovers is JBo at 2.1 and Cook is at 2.5. Everyone...
  11. I

    Playing out of position

    This is what I'm trying to say. Besides the first point, I'm not sure we'd be a better team but i'm not sure we'd be a worse team either, but that's nit picky. Defense and spacing are the biggest things, which in today's game are pretty big points. All good teams have guys that can create that...
  12. I

    Iowa Basketball Recruits

    Would love to see a Locure/Carton(or Terry)/Wieskamp/Nunge(McCaffery)/Garza lineup.
  13. I

    Iowa Basketball Recruits

    Future lineup of: (insert '19 PG: Carton/Terry/Locure/etc) Connor will play baseball at some point Wieskamp (Need a true SF; Maybe Wieskamp if Fredrick develops) Nunge (Patrick McCaffery will be Nunge's backup until he graduates, or should be IMO) Garza
  14. I

    Playing out of position

    Maybe not make up his production offensively all the way, but other players around Nunge and Baer will also help. I would expect more from Garza to get to maybe that 15ppg, he won't be doing it in the way Cook does by dunking or shooting inside of 10 ft all the time, but I think he could jump...
  15. I

    Playing out of position

    There's more to losing a player than is he the best player or not? It's whether you have somebody behind them to fill the shoes respectively. Bohannon doesn't have that, Nunge and Baer have a combined 11 PPG which is Cook's backups. Luka Garza averaged .4 less rebounds and 3 less PPG who is also...
  16. I

    Playing out of position

    No that would be a really huge blow actually. We'd have 1 PG that isn't a natural PG, sound familiar? I'm actually very understanding when recruits don't pick Iowa, but I do not lie to myself and say we didn't want them or need them if we definitely wanted them or needed them. You have your own...
  17. I

    Playing out of position

    Because scoring a lot was the problem? He averaged 9.4 points more than Nunge on 12% better fg% in 12 minutes more per game on about 6 more FG attempts. I'm not expecting him to be Cook and average 15 ppg, but I think double digits ppg for Nunge is definitely realistic. with Bohannon, Garza, and...
  18. I

    Playing out of position

    Not downplaying just comparing to his assumed "replacement" who's averages are very similar with the exception of FG% and PPG. Nunge is either less than a point or better than Cook on both the defensive and offensive side of the ball while playing out of position (granted so was Cook), and...
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    Playing out of position

    So a dunk every now and again?
  20. I

    Playing out of position

    Defensively I completely disagree, and offensively I don't think so as much. What does he bring that isn't "replaceable"?