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  1. P

    PROJECT 2025

    That last one seems really good.
  2. P

    When will leftists cease their violent rhetoric?

    Deficits weren't the only thing to fo down under Bill Clinton if ya know what I mean.
  3. P

    PROJECT 2025

    Ant liberal can turn any conservative idea into doom and gloom. And any conservative can turn any liberal ides into doom and gloom. The trans stuff is blown way overboard and it's easy to pretend the sky is falling with it. But it's not THAT big of a deal. The only ides on either side that's...
  4. P

    PROJECT 2025

    I'm only safe if Trump wins. If he loses I'm doomed! Did I do that right?
  5. P

    PROJECT 2025

    Sounds like scary stuff. It would be way more scary if we didn't already have 4 years of data to know what a Trump presidency looks like. "He didn't do it on his first team, but he will for sure do it if he gets a second term!"
  6. P

    PROJECT 2025

    So what's the rule on him stepping aside? Since he was already primaried in, the people already voted for who they wanted. Can a candidate really just be pushed out because they aren't polling good and get replaced by someone who wasn't voted in? Seems like they would have to start the whole...
  7. P

    PROJECT 2025

    You don't tell teachers they have to train with guns. You give them the option to. Huge difference there. Comparison to Israel? What did he compare? He said they use a tactic that we don't. That's not a comparison.
  8. P

    PROJECT 2025

    Ok so maaaaybe the FBI did something small like that. But no way they would try a set up as big as Jan 6th!
  9. P

    PROJECT 2025

    Remember when MAGA guys tried to kidnap the Michigan governor?
  10. P

    PROJECT 2025

    I thought statistics showed hand guns killed way more people than ARs? My biggest issue with banning them is between people finding other ways to kill people and people just buying illegal guns, I cant imagine it makes a difference. Think of all the extra violence an illegal gun market would...
  11. P

    Brock Harding More Comfortable in Year 2

    Dix, Sanfort, and Freeman might be one of the best 2 3 5 combos in the league. That's a pretty good start to a good team. That leaves the 1 and the 4 where we need to be at least somewhat good. If that point guard combo does work, Fran should have no issues at all filling the other 3/4 spot. He...
  12. P

    When will leftists cease their violent rhetoric?

    People looking to the government to save them from a virus is hilarious.
  13. P

    When will leftists cease their violent rhetoric?

    Thats pretty much verbatim to what he said at the debate. But I give Biden a pass because he doesn't even know where he is or what he's saying. I expect more out of random internet people who still are coherent. The full speech is too easy to look up to play ignorant for those people.
  14. P

    When will leftists cease their violent rhetoric?

    I used to always laugh at Trump for his stupid "fake news" bit. I always said news is news there's no way to fake it (Boy I feel dumb admitting that). The one that opened my eyes is the very fine people lie. Once you see it you can't unsee it. I'm not saying one side is 100% right and the other...
  15. P

    When will leftists cease their violent rhetoric?

    Because when they get caught in blatant lies like ivermectin is horse paste, and you read other countries are highly successful with ivermectin, and it makes no sense to demonize a very cheap, safe drug, and you realize how much money big pharma makes from the shot they are irrationally pushing...
  16. P

    When will leftists cease their violent rhetoric?

    It used to be liberals who were anti vax, anti government, anti big corporations, and anti war. So what do you think happened? Was it the blind hatred for Trump that turned them? Or was it covid?
  17. P

    PROJECT 2025

    Some people gotta be 100/0 or you're a racist bigot.
  18. P

    When will leftists cease their violent rhetoric?

    Once again, just because Fox decided it was in their best interest to settle, it doesn't mean they were wrong with what they said. In order for that to 100% guarantee Fox was lying, there would have to be no corruption. Just like Trump getting his charges dropped on the stolen documents case...
  19. P

    PROJECT 2025

    Making alcohol and drugs illegal hasn't worked for shit. But I'm sure it would work with guns. If they do get rid of guns finally, I hope you're ready for knives, bombs and vehicles.
  20. P

    PROJECT 2025

    Thats why we need someone who's already wealthy who can't be bought. I used to hope Trump was that guy. Then I assumed he wasn't with how he handled covid and racked up more debt. But now as hard as they are trying to keep him out, I'm thinking maybe he is that guy again. I'm not sure how a guy...