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  1. B

    External Report Looking into Racial Bias in Iowa Football Released

    Lol, you were expecting a smoking gun and didn’t get it. And why does this surprise you? Everything was made public, it was investigated and summarized. This was always what the report was going to look like once everything became public, unless you were expecting a smoking gun, which you...
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    '18 Athletic Department Study Showed Serious Racial Bias in Iowa Football

    Thanks for the tip. I’ve been meaning to give The Athletic a try. I’ve always enjoyed appreciated Doc’s even keeled outlook.
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    '18 Athletic Department Study Showed Serious Racial Bias in Iowa Football

    I meant to quote post 106, although there's no question so I'm not exactly sure what you're looking for beyond my original response.
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    '18 Athletic Department Study Showed Serious Racial Bias in Iowa Football

    Lol, this rich coming from you. Is @BFryowa your twitter handle?
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    '18 Athletic Department Study Showed Serious Racial Bias in Iowa Football

    Nah, I have a brain and think for myself. Most of the people clamoring for KF and BF to be ousted don’t. We now have a former player crying for change of leadership and oppression of an assistant coach with absolutely nothing to defend this claim. That coaching position is currently occupied by...
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    '18 Athletic Department Study Showed Serious Racial Bias in Iowa Football

    I’m not sure how someone (an Iowa media member) knowing about alleged racism yet publicly defending those individuals until it came to light is not part of the story.
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    '18 Athletic Department Study Showed Serious Racial Bias in Iowa Football

    It’s become more about the media. It shouldn’t be. But Morehouse told on himself and you seem to get off on this.
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    '18 Athletic Department Study Showed Serious Racial Bias in Iowa Football

    Rob won’t address Marc Morehouses lead-in racist question to KF, because of course he won’t. He won’t address Marc’s rave reviews of Doyle the past two years, while simultaneously condemning the racist culture he’s known about. Making him complicit. Rob won’t do anything unless it’s within his...
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    '18 Athletic Department Study Showed Serious Racial Bias in Iowa Football

    You’re an idiot if you think something is automatically racist just because it’s interpreted that way. That’s not how this works. Rob would like you to believe he has no unconscious bias, because he just discovered woke culture, but the truth is we’re all guilty of unconscious bias.
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    '18 Athletic Department Study Showed Serious Racial Bias in Iowa Football

    You’re right, racism is when steak is cooked medium rare and not well done.
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    Iowa Football Investigation Discussion

    I know this isn’t the point you’re driving home in your post, but unless you’re a Zion Williams type, no athlete is making a University millions. Fans cheer for laundry, which is to say anyone in the Iowa uniform. That won’t change regardless of who’s wearing them.
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    Iowa Football Investigation Discussion

    I’d venture to say some of these comments a coach made was a one off instance. A lot of our best players had braids all through Kirk’s tenure. Bob Sanders, Adrian Clayborn, Abdul Hodge, CJ Jones, Jewell Hampton, Jordan Bernstein, Dace Richardson, Brandon Smith ... and many more. That claim...
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    Iowa Football Investigation Discussion

    @RobHowe We’re all waiting ...
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    Iowa Football Investigation Discussion

    This site has a limited shelf life. The only thing driving traffic are Rob’s “special reports” and those can only continue so much longer. Advertisement is going to be sparse.
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    '18 Athletic Department Study Showed Serious Racial Bias in Iowa Football

    Lol, actually we were discussing academia at schools. I've already apparently enlightened you that Iowa's entrance requirements are governed by the state so that they're in line with ISU (and possibly UNI as well). Regardless of that Iowa would be one of the top academic schools in the SEC and...
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    '18 Athletic Department Study Showed Serious Racial Bias in Iowa Football

    I do, although I don’t think it revealed anything new. My point was that while Rob says it’s not about him he’s the media member who keeps pushing the story. It’s hard not to believe there’s an agenda at play when you publish the DJK story and then are the first to publish this with your own...
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    '18 Athletic Department Study Showed Serious Racial Bias in Iowa Football

    My point was that nobody would have ran the DJK accusations without verifying it. Translation, nobody would have ran it. After the fact it can’t exactly be ignored, which is all USA Today did. Not ignore it and get clicks. The rest of what you said is completely fair.
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    '18 Athletic Department Study Showed Serious Racial Bias in Iowa Football

    You were the only person to give credence to DJK and provide him a platform to tell "his truth". And as of yesterday you're the first if not only media member to publish the full diversity task force report, not devoid of your own opinions. That seems too coincidental to not be about you.
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    '18 Athletic Department Study Showed Serious Racial Bias in Iowa Football

    Nearly half of black children live with a solo mom. White children are more than twice as likely to live in a household with both parents whom are married. However, it's racist to accept these as facts and not ignorant to ignore them. Sincerely, Rob Howe...
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    '18 Athletic Department Study Showed Serious Racial Bias in Iowa Football

    You don’t hire Iowa coaches either but feel very comfortable accusing them of being racists on your crusade. All while working in an almost completely white male dominated Iowa media. Pretty ironic. You also called Kirk a liar yesterday, even though he admitted to learning about some of the...