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  1. THH

    Explosive players..

    Stopping reading is as much a a valid argument as is you saying that your "national championship" is as valid as NC Nebraska has earned. If you truly feel that way then there is no sense in you and I having a discussion.
  2. THH

    Explosive players..

    I stopped reading your post after the part that I put in bold and underlined......
  3. THH

    Explosive players..

    Number 2 would be a total waste of time because you'll just disagree without pause--so I won't waste my time. Besides, it was last year and it wasn't a game that was even played. Impressive wins last year? I was impressed with the win against Missouri. The win over Kansas. Oklahoma. And...
  4. THH

    Explosive players..

    I get that. And I know on lots of these posts I'm just talking smack. It's a message board and that is how I treat it. CF has plenty of DB posters, just like most Nebraska boards. It's not just one fan base.
  5. THH

    Explosive players..

    Do you even read the posts you comment on? The poster was calling me out like I had said the national media was touting Nebraska as an NC contender. Dude, really, try to read more than just the part that fits your argument.
  6. THH

    Explosive players..

    I get it. I understand. You guys would much rather have nobody on here who doesn't just think the hawks are the greatest team in the country. You don't like people who don't agree with you. Fine. But it doesn't make your arguments any less ridiculous to an outsider.
  7. THH

    Explosive players..

    Sure, we can compare each team's success level. Have at it. Get back to me when you can show me which year you guys won a national championship.
  8. THH

    Explosive players..

    But then this place would be empty.....
  9. THH

    Explosive players..

    Why would I try to name one? I have yet to make that claim. That be no different then me asking you to name a media outlet that says your basketball team will make the post season any time soon.
  10. THH

    Explosive players..

    I think Nebraska's offense this year will take a few game to get humming. By the Washington game we'll know where we stand and what adjustments need to be made. It is going to come down to a qb for us that doesn't hurt us. Helu and Burkhead (yay white guy at running back!) are going to be...
  11. THH

    Explosive players..

    The thing is, this is a message board, so I understand the passion. But you can't just make definitive declarations like that and expect others to take them at face value. You have no freaking clue what would have happened and frankly neither do I. Do I think the huskers would have won those...
  12. THH

    Explosive players..

    Thanks for that "proper" spelling. I was in no way being sarcastic by spelling it 'stoopid'. (sadly shakes head, again) The national media is talking about it? The Cedar Rapids rag is not "national media".
  13. THH

    Explosive players..

    Again, another shot straight to my heart.
  14. THH

    Explosive players..

    Hey rockstar---the would coulda shoulda was started by your fanbase in this very thread. Stones in glass houses, my friend. Don't throw 'em. You sound like a hawk fan. And we can talk about records against the clones anytime you want. Care to compare the last 10 years? Thought not.
  15. THH

    Explosive players..

    I can handle truth. Let me know when it comes out. Because comparing UNI to Arkansas is just stoopid. Period. And any normal person would recognize that. But then again, I'm on hawk message board, so I can see why you'd compare the razorbacks to the panthers and think they're on equal footing.
  16. THH

    Explosive players..

    Nebraska would have destroyed Iowa. Period. Fact. End of story. and fyi--that jerk comment really hurt my feelings. you're mean.
  17. THH

    Explosive players..

    Wow. A hawk fan referring to someone else as arrogant. Classic. You guys just HATE it when someone doesn't love your team, don't you? It's kinda sad, actually.
  18. THH

    Explosive players..

    Are you flipping serious?????????? Are you comparing Arkansas to UNI????????????????????
  19. THH

    Explosive players..

    You mean present day where we are an obviously better team than the hawks? Fine by me. Game on.
  20. THH

    Explosive players..

    You call it stirring the pot. I call it a reality check. Better get used to it. When we officially come into your conference and start playing games you can automatically put a mark in your yearly loss column and expect more husker posters showing up here. Don't like it? Don't log on...