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  1. M

    Poll: Steve Forbes should be hired as the next Iowa coach

    he got players to Texas A&M with little known coach Billy Gillispie when they were bottom feeders...... He had 3 All Americans out of Barton JUCO....not a hotbed of talent......He recruited TWO nationally ranked classes to Louisiana Tech.... one of those was a top 10 NATIONALLY ranked class...
  2. M

    Don't understand the love affair with Forbes

    Forbes won't be successful because he's from Iowa and loves the Hawks...... he'll be successful cause he can flat out go get players. Period. Getting players is most of the battle and Forbes is as good as it gets. mm
  3. M

    Don't understand the love affair with Forbes

    Damn....nevermind then.... he's way too old to be working. :D mm
  4. M

    Don't understand the love affair with Forbes

    John Calipari at Umass (from Pittsburgh) Billy Gillispie at Utep (From Illinois) Tubby Smith at Tulsa (from Kentucky) Rick Pitino at Boston (from Syracuse) Yeah, I was just having fun with former UK but to the point, all 4 of those left great assistant jobs to take the right...
  5. M

    Don't understand the love affair with Forbes

    Steve Forbes is 40 years old.... that's fairly young in basketball coaching. What jobs have come open in the past year or two that you think Steve Forbes should have left UT for??? I can't think of any that made a lot of sense that weren't already lined up for someone with connections to...
  6. M

    Don't understand the love affair with Forbes

    No. Not for Iowa. mm
  7. M

    Don't understand the love affair with Forbes

    You use the term "second assistant" as if you know something about how UT's basketball staff is organized. As if somehow, Steve Forbes is a "lesser assistant" than Tony Jones. The fact is, Tony Jones has been with Pearl for about a decade while Steve just joined 4 years ago. Steve has a...
  8. M

    Don't understand the love affair with Forbes

    Seriously? There are tons of great assistant coaches who won't take "just any job". Forbes isn't interested in taking some Sunbelt job when he's competing for titles at UT. When you get to a certain level as an assistant, which Forbes has, you wait for the right job.....which he has done...
  9. M

    Don't understand the love affair with Forbes

    I can't help you there. I don't have any Iowa contacts. mm
  10. M

    Don't understand the love affair with Forbes

    No offense to any fan, but everyone in the basketball business knows that Forbes is a heavy hitter. And he was a very successful head coach at a "less than powerhouse" Juco.... As for recruiting as a head coach.... Forbes would be just as involved as he is as an assistant. You only get so...
  11. M

    Good read on Forbes @ rivals

    Not sure what supporting documentation you are looking for. Scouting services aren't usually online..... Most of my "online persona" is due to my UK basketball website. I own and operate Roundball Recruiting Scouting service. I don't put scouts and recruits together.... I scout players and...