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  1. K

    Sounds like Devyn Marble had 20+ vs Creighton

    LMAO! Good one
  2. K

    don't understand Fans

    The problem is that most of the fans on this forum are too young or not educated football fans. Fact.
  3. K

    Blame the coaches all you want

    I am pretty sure JVB wasn't playing on the defense that gave up 8 yrds per carry. As a coach, it is your job to put your players in situations to be successful. Therefore, Greg Davis should have adjusted the offense in a way to allow JVB and the WRs (who have a hard time getting separation...
  4. K

    We all need to support Kirk....

    I finally see someone with some sense on this board. Iowa will continue getting 3 star recruits and win 6-8 games per year. Every once in a while we will have a 9-10 win season sprinkled in there, but nobody is going to come in and do better than KF.