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  1. H

    Iowa vs Minny Game Thread

    sure, why not!
  2. H

    Iowa vs Minny Game Thread

    LOL, announcers even talk about our "soft zone". The bend, don't break D is a joke. It was put in place when we had guys like Shada who kept getting burned because they are idiots
  3. H

    Iowa vs Minny Game Thread

    Its all good, I knew what you meant- Just didnt want to let a good joke get ruined by a wrong name :)
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    Iowa vs Minny Game Thread

  5. H

    Iowa vs Minny Game Thread

    im surprised the O line let Ricky get that off
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    Iowa vs Minny Game Thread

    I'd be more positive if I saw something even a little different than what we continue to do. Watch us settle for a FG here
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    Iowa vs Minny Game Thread

    This Iowa team has given up this year- pretty much like Texas did
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    Iowa vs Minny Game Thread

    Anyone know if Jon is hosting an in game chat today?
  9. H

    Iowa vs Minny Game Thread

    This is about right for the Hawks this year...
  10. H

    Mrs. McCaffery

    You proved my point exactly
  11. H

    Mrs. McCaffery

    I watched this board all day, this morning the majority of you were crying about this coach and now all of a sudden you rip a guy for putting his 2 cents in? Who needs that? I came here to read up on the new coach and I got more attitude than I did information. I thought fellow hawkeye's had...
  12. H

    Mrs. McCaffery

    wow, i dont see any good that can come from this hire