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  1. N


    Name of the game is 3.4. I don't care if it's a pass, run or whatever, just get 3.4 every time. Big plays are nice, but 1stI and goal from the nine, you gotta pound it in. When you can do that, the option to throw becomes available. Again, kudos on the shear number of players getting touches...
  2. N

    olddude returns

    Since CJF was seen on a moped? Hows life treating you NC? I see I was wrong about ole Cam, seems he is here to stay. I see we are still not talking much football on the football fourm. Kind of a bunch of whiners still huh?
  3. N

    olddude returns

    Yeah lasers, the spacetime time conundrum, ok4p is still an ... lawyer who hates women lawyers but has an asian wife, nc still selling rubber pellets. 74 still a closet hawk fan. Not much has changed. Told you all once I have an uncanny ability as an observer. But this is the football fourm
  4. N

    olddude returns

    Btw, hate the new format as I'm on my phone. Any tips? Site continually refreshes and I can't see what I'm typing.
  5. N

    olddude returns

    Hey all I'm back. Forgot all my old passwords to hn and my old email account. On to business I like what I see. Using noncons and easy games to build a serious two deep. I think it makes sense to have personnel with packages that we have not seen. Hard to watch film when there is none. It...