Recent content by CRhawk

  1. C

    If you could change one Iowa loss in the history of sports to a win...

    All of this Basketball talk is really depressing me with the current state of our BB program. Reminds me of that Life Alert commercial: "Help!. . . I've fallen and I can't get up".
  2. C

    If you could change one Iowa loss in the history of sports to a win...

    85 Rose Bowl vs UCLA and the Harmon fumbles. We would have finished 11-1 if we had won. Or. . . How about tOSU this year. We would have gone back to the Rose. Not a bad choice either.
  3. C

    How many hours per week on message boards?

    Messageboards: 8-10 hrs/wk too many. Girlfriend mad about 12-15 hrs/wk too many. I don't watch TV anymore. Need to find a more productive hobby.
  4. C

    could there be more ads on this site

    I used to be on that music mes. board all the time and I and the majority of the posters (when the issue came up as a thread topic) thought just the opposite was true. On that board the color was an easily changeable option. I'm not sure how easy it would be to implement from your end though...
  5. C

    could there be more ads on this site

    Jon, are you going to have a suggestion thread? There is a band I like and I frequent their message board. You can choose between 2 colors for the screen in your options. The board has what they call sub-silver (which looks like this board) or black. They have taken polls before on that board...