Nail in Barta's coffin?

Naw, he'll dodge it. I'm sure the gals who filed the lawsuit were just having their periods and will probably lose interest in pursuing this when there is a really good sale on at the mall (or they get married, whichever comes first)

Please note: heavy sarcasm intended.
Bartas days were numbered once Mason announced she was stepping down. She'd had his back through all of that so far. But once a new President is hired and he or she sees that mess along with the state of the other programs I think Barta will be toast... How soon that all goes down is anyones guess but I would think within a year
Bartas days were numbered once Mason announced she was stepping down. She'd had his back through all of that so far. But once a new President is hired and he or she sees that mess along with the state of the other programs I think Barta will be toast... How soon that all goes down is anyones guess but I would think within a year
I imagine that Barta will find another AD position before he actually gets fired.
I imagine that Barta will find another AD position before he actually gets fired.

You stole my thunder, I was just about to post the same thing. He is working the back channels now, he'll have a nice cushy spot to land when it all goes down. As others have pointed out, it will be similar to Alford going off to New Mexico.
You stole my thunder, I was just about to post the same thing. He is working the back channels now, he'll have a nice cushy spot to land when it all goes down. As others have pointed out, it will be similar to Alford going off to New Mexico.

Hopefully Uzbekistan needs an AD for their Olympic sports...
I think he already tried to go to West Virginia.... But of course he denied it up and down when asked after he didn't get it. He's gotta find a soft landing spot first. I suppose he may very well find one but we'll see.
He'll easily find another job. Barta can raise $$, no doubt about it. That's just what many programs need.
It's unfortunate for Barta that he was either too naive, or too meek, to make some actual power moves to improve the athletic department. We were near the top under Bowlsby and now we're near the bottom under Barta. No one could look at the football program starting with 2010 and think that things were OK and on the right path. Well, except for hawknick.
Barta is a moron. An incompetent moron. The lack of BIG titles across all sports, since his arrival, is all the evidence you need.
I know this isn't directly Football related, but didn't see the Field Hockey forum, and this could eventually affect Football directly.

No. It's not.

This is a stupid frivolous claim. She was accused of verbal abuse by other players and okay by these four. So they get to sue that they were damaged because they are not afforded quality coaching to compete and their coach wasn't treated the same as male coaches? Ridiculously stupid. And they guise it under title IX? Dumb and dumber.
That is Title IX. Women get the same opportunities as men in athletics. The coach was fired fro no good reason. The investigation showed no verbal abuse. These women are sticking together when the chips are down, just as men would. And their most powerful tool is Title IX. Its not dumb, its how life in society is.
These 4 women feel like they were not afforded the best opportunity to compete on an equal level. And they feel the female coaches at Iowa are treated differently then the male coaches. I imagine the male coaches treated differently are KF and Fran. And they are treated differently because they make the U This may be a bad day for Iowa. But I bet Karen Kubby is smiling somewhere.

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