It's All About the Guard Play

I don't want this to turn into ripping on one player. In the end, it's the responsibility of the coaches to put together a roster.

We all knew this before the year, that this team would go as far as their guards could be consistent. 1/3 of the way into the year, I'd say so far the biggest fears have been realized....this team will struggle at guard all year. That's a collective thing and it's a recruiting thing.

Sure, if Tyler Ulis were on this team, it would be entirely different...but he's not. Iowa also doesn't have game shooters. They don't have a group that can make a defense play them honest and stretch the floor, which would allow their talented front court more space.

Iowa basketball is similar to Iowa football with Weisman dotting the I...the offense is compressed...and it's just not going to change this year.

There will be nights when Iowa is firing and they will beat someone they shouldn't beat, but this team is a .500 team in the B1G at best because they will be inconsistent due to their lack of outside shooting and point guard play.

This team is missing two players...not specific players, but two kinds of players...a night in night out shooter and a point guard who can penetrate AND finish.

Two players doesn't sound like a lot, but it's the difference this year between 7-11 in the Big Ten or 12-6 or better. That is basketball, but it's not 'that's basketball'

That comes down to recruiting and Iowa put its eggs in the Ulis basket and the basket broke, unfortunately.

I think even just one player, preferably a stud PG would make a tremendous difference. Marcus Paige could have been that, and probably would have accomplished as much or more here than he will at UNC.
I don't want this to turn into ripping on one player. In the end, it's the responsibility of the coaches to put together a roster.

We all knew this before the year, that this team would go as far as their guards could be consistent. 1/3 of the way into the year, I'd say so far the biggest fears have been realized....this team will struggle at guard all year. That's a collective thing and it's a recruiting thing.

Sure, if Tyler Ulis were on this team, it would be entirely different...but he's not. Iowa also doesn't have game shooters. They don't have a group that can make a defense play them honest and stretch the floor, which would allow their talented front court more space.

Iowa basketball is similar to Iowa football with Weisman dotting the I...the offense is compressed...and it's just not going to change this year.

There will be nights when Iowa is firing and they will beat someone they shouldn't beat, but this team is a .500 team in the B1G at best because they will be inconsistent due to their lack of outside shooting and point guard play.

This team is missing two players...not specific players, but two kinds of players...a night in night out shooter and a point guard who can penetrate AND finish.

Two players doesn't sound like a lot, but it's the difference this year between 7-11 in the Big Ten or 12-6 or better. That is basketball, but it's not 'that's basketball'

That comes down to recruiting and Iowa put its eggs in the Ulis basket and the basket broke, unfortunately.

Jon, I'm bit surprised that TD didn't get time last night. I am still hopeful he can be that point guard that Iowa truly does need. I also hope Ellingson can be that 3 point shooter by seasons end. Admittedly, the available options are minimal.
I saw Paige against Iowa. I don't think Paige would be the answer, either, for Iowa. Iowa needs a 'real point guard' and not a 2 converted into a point who shoots the ball over everyone else... IOW, another RDM.
That's the line up that needs to play the majority of the minutes. This team needs to practice 90% zone defense and play 90% zone defense. Until that happens, we will get run out of a lot of BIG buildings.
If your defenders can't shoot and your shooters can't defend....what else is left? Put the longest shooters on the floor and play zone!
That's the line up that needs to play the majority of the minutes. This team needs to practice 90% zone defense and play 90% zone defense. Until that happens, we will get run out of a lot of BIG buildings.

Really like this for the main personnel groupings.

My only suggestion might be to throw Ellenson in for short stints if he can show that he can knock down some 3 balls. If not, no minutes. Uhl can also spell Utoff at the 3.

The other is Dickerson at point if either Gesell or Clemmons continues to struggle. I do worry about TD's mindset and wonder if he will be gone soon. Just wondering if he will be long for school and making the D-1 conversion looking at his frequent movement history. We spent a scholly on him so let's see what he can do with extended minutes if he plans on sticking it out.
That's the line up that needs to play the majority of the minutes. This team needs to practice 90% zone defense and play 90% zone defense. Until that happens, we will get run out of a lot of BIG buildings.

Exactly what I said earlier in the thread. White, Uthoff and Uhl are big guys that move their feet and they are long...we should be able to defend the three and rebound with four bigs on the floor. The zone would also protect Jok's defense a putting him on a two at this level is a serious mismatch right now. Olesani would be a nightmare for guards that penetrate...actually all four of our bigs are good shot blockers.

Play a long lean match up zone...and get good at it. You can play Jok and Ellingson more in that scenario also.
Exactly what I said earlier in the thread. White, Uthoff and Uhl are big guys that move their feet and they are long...we should be able to defend the three and rebound with four bigs on the floor. The zone would also protect Jok's defense a putting him on a two at this level is a serious mismatch right now. Olesani would be a nightmare for guards that penetrate...actually all four of our bigs are good shot blockers.

Play a long lean match up zone...and get good at it. You can play Jok and Ellingson more in that scenario also.
Exactly what I said earlier in the thread. White, Uthoff and Uhl are big guys that move their feet and they are long...we should be able to defend the three and rebound with four bigs on the floor. The zone would also protect Jok's defense a putting him on a two at this level is a serious mismatch right now. Olesani would be a nightmare for guards that penetrate...actually all four of our bigs are good shot blockers.

Play a long lean match up zone...and get good at it. You can play Jok and Ellingson more in that scenario also.

Has Fran ever been a zone coach though? It's a good idea in theory but if it clashes with the coaches training, experience and philosophy it's not going to work. If you think just having long guys means you can play an effective zone then you're wrong. There's a reason why 90% of teams don't employ a zone as their main defense.
Has Fran ever been a zone coach though? It's a good idea in theory but if it clashes with the coaches training, experience and philosophy it's not going to work. If you think just having long guys means you can play an effective zone then you're wrong. There's a reason why 90% of teams don't employ a zone as their main defense.
Fran employs a zone defense all the time. Probably 30% of the time, in my guestimation.
Fran employs a zone defense all the time. Probably 30% of the time, in my guestimation.

All of the time 30% of the time? That's not what he wants to do. He wants to mix up the defenses, that's a lot different than employing a Syracuse style 100% of the time zone defense.
All of the time 30% of the time? That's not what he wants to do. He wants to mix up the defenses, that's a lot different than employing a Syracuse style 100% of the time zone defense.
all of the time, through out the season. It may not be what he wants to do but good coaches adjust their strategy according to the strengths of the team. Stubborn coaches continue to pound square pegs into round holes, all the way to the unemployment line.
Agreed! More alarming than our poor shooting, which will be an issue all year, was the huge gap in talent/athleticism. Fran and his staff have done a horrible job of recruiting the type of athlete necessary to play at ISU's level!
Only athlete I saw on the floor last night for ISU was Houge.

that was the furthest thing away from why we lost.

UNC is ten times more athletic than ISU.

it comes down to shooting and ISU is really good at it and Iowa is really bad at it.
There is no shuffling of guards that is going to make this work.

Jok might be the worst defender in college basketball on any level men's or women's and Clemons is just absolutely worthless on offense and belongs at a lower level.

Ogelsby is a shooter that can't shoot And Ellingson looks like a walkon.

Dickerson is the only one I can see getting better but he looks in over his head at this point.

Gessel is our best option and that's not gona cut it.
I think you have to go one guard, Clemmons or Gesell, and play Uhl at the two. If you have a lineup of Gesell, White, Uhl, Uthoff, and Woody/ are long lean and you have enough ball handlers. Uthoff and Uhl can bring the ball up against pressure too.

We play a match zone with length on the outside (think Syracuse)...and size everywhere. I get wanting to play Jok more too and I agree...but if you have issues at guard you need to figure out a way to have less of them on the floor. Our three game wouldn't suffer as Uhl and Uthoff can hit the three, but we would be very tough if we played the big zone and hit the offensive glass.

Uhl and Jok need to play more and get a year of significant development. Uhl can shoot the three...he missed last night...but the stroke is he brings some length and he's got a good drive game. He just needs to play at this level.

Hes not a guard but I agree we've got to get Uhl in the game. He was the only one getting in there and mixing it up on the offensive glass trying to keep balls alive.

He's a step quicker than everyone else on this team.
Has Fran ever been a zone coach though? It's a good idea in theory but if it clashes with the coaches training, experience and philosophy it's not going to work. If you think just having long guys means you can play an effective zone then you're wrong. There's a reason why 90% of teams don't employ a zone as their main defense.

After losing Aaron (hand-check) Kraft, Thad Motta decided he needed to start playing zone. They studied the 'Cuse 2-3 zone. My point is that the good coaches adapt and make fundamental philosophical changes if they are warranted. I believe Fran IS a good coach. Let's see if he makes fundamental changes or stands pat. We see the consequences of not doing that each Sept thru Nov.
Only athlete I saw on the floor last night for ISU was Houge.

that was the furthest thing away from why we lost.

UNC is ten times more athletic than ISU.

it comes down to shooting and ISU is really good at it and Iowa is really bad at it.

This could be the dumbest post yet in the past 24 hours. Congratulations!
Has Fran ever been a zone coach though? It's a good idea in theory but if it clashes with the coaches training, experience and philosophy it's not going to work. If you think just having long guys means you can play an effective zone then you're wrong. There's a reason why 90% of teams don't employ a zone as their main defense.

Weve played a ton of zone the last two years.
I think the athletic card gets used too much in basketball. In football it's important because a better athlete can be the difference between a 5 yard play and an 80 yard play. In basketball the difference is usually a cooler looking 2 points than an unathletic guy's 2 points.