Where Are the Hype Videos?

At the risk of being banned, I'm gonna to try to edumacate some of you.

This is gold

Gross, I know......
This is yellow


You can call it gold if you want. And often a little poetic license is taken as black & gold rolls of the tongue better. But it's not gold. It's yellow.

Is this really what we've come to this off season? Gold vs yellow? :D
I'm not sure if it is yellow.....but I know it is not old gold, especially compared to the old uniforms.....gold maybe. Down below this post, where it says "similar threads", that to me is gold, not yellow. But what the hell do I know, I'm not a painter, or a designer.
I guess much better "Old Gold" than "Old yeller"
We all know what happened there.
At the risk of being banned, I'm gonna to try to edumacate some of you.

This is gold

Gross, I know......
This is yellow


You can call it gold if you want. And often a little poetic license is taken as black & gold rolls of the tongue better. But it's not gold. It's yellow.

Is this really what we've come to this off season? Gold vs yellow? :D

Yes we are that bored. That is why we need the hype videos. And no the top is not gold and the bottom is not yellow. You are blind in one eye and can't see out of the other. School colors; Black and Old Gold, although this Tiger Hawk is not Old Gold. It is gold. This is yellow:
Yes the Black and Yellow stuff bothers me too, as a matter of fact the only uniform change I would like to see is Iowa go to more of an old gold, but to hear people refer to Iowa's colors as yellow is just ignorance. I am pretty sure that video was not put out by the U of I, at least I hope not.

The other pet peeve is the Iowa band playing Sweet Caroline, that will forever be ingrained in my mind as the song that the ISU band played as the clown fans stormed the field in their 3 OT win in Lames.
Why sweet caroline is played at sporting events at all is beyond me... I just don't tie that song into being a pump you up for sports kinda tune. It annoys me it sure as hell doesn't entertain me.
It's in the top 5 "STOP PLAYING THAT F****** SONG ALREADY" songs, along with YMCA and a few other winners.
You would think the band would get that message when everyone just stares at them while they play it. Maybe they are trying to stir up the crowd by annoying them, "Hey Jude" was losing it's effect.
Yes we are that bored. That is why we need the hype videos. And no the top is not gold and the bottom is not yellow. You are blind in one eye and can't see out of the other. School colors; Black and Old Gold, although this Tiger Hawk is not Old Gold. It is gold. This is yellow:
Here is the link to the University of Iowa Brand Manual. It shows the colors to be used by anyone representing the university. They call the colors black and gold, not "Old Gold", which is what Purdue uses. But anyone can see that it is yellow. Drop the mic. /thread. I win


The primary color palette for the University of Iowa is black and gold. The official colors play an important role as an instantly recognizable element of the UI’s visual identity.
Primary Colors
The primary gold for the University of Iowa is the spot color PMS 116 C. As the industry standard, Pantone recommended values should be used for CMYK, HEX, and RGB color spaces to achieve the most desirable gold across print and digital platforms. Do not use PMS 116 U when printing on an uncoated stock, every effort should be made by vendors to match the PMS 116 C swatch. For process four-color printing, use the recommended CMYK values. For web and digital platforms, use the recommended HEX value. For a more dense black when printing with a four-color process, use the recommended rich black formula.


PMS 116 C
CMYK: 0 14 100 0
RGB: 255 205 0
Madeira Thread: 910-1069 Classic Rayon #40


CMYK: 0 0 0 100
HEX: #000000
Rich Black: 40 30 30 100

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