No one should've been forced to take the vaccine. And before the flaming starts, I voluntary took both courses of it the first time it came out. I've had covid twice and both were after the vaccine. I have no regrets about taking the vaccine, either.
The covid thing just gets used as a political weapon by the left and right so they have something to argue about like you guys are doing now.
If you were afraid of getting sick, stay home. Almost every person killed by covid was overweight and had preexisting comorbidities. Basically, if you chose for your entire life up to that point to eat Big Macs and soda, smoke, or didn't keep yourself relatively fit by at least walking a little everyday you were at risk. Those choices aren't everyone else in society's fault. There were some healthy folks who died of covid, but there are with literally every respiratory virus.
It wasn't worth (and still isn't) bringing society to a halt. Kids needed to be in school. People need to be able to walk up to others and talk to them with their faces showing if they both choose to. Humans need social activities like sporting events and computer club and to be able to go hang out with friends. Have any of you seen one of the myriad studies showing what happens to people's permanent mental health when they're totally isolated from other human beings?
It's a personal responsibility thing. You use data (not emotion) to decide what the risks are, and then you take the risks you are comfortable with. If you decide it's too risky to go out in public you stay home, with the added benefit that if you do that then you don't have to worry about someone without a mask infecting you.
Every single respiratory pandemic in history has shown us that it works its way through society and no matter what precautions are taken it can't be stopped. And then it eventually becomes just another cold virus. Like the Spanish Flu did, and like covid 19 did. The data also showed that if you are even remotely fit and healthy you have almost zero risk of dying. Those two points right there made me not worry even a little about it other than the harm we were doing with mythical "social distancing." I shouldn't be prevented from going to work or Walmart because someone else lived off of bacon, Mountain Dew, and cigarettes their whole lives and never took a walk.