The Iowa Players See You Leaving Carver Early

It's funny but on the flip side, calling out your own fans for this is kinda weaksauce. You were 10.5 point favorites at home and down 15 with 4 minutes left. Your team played uninspired basketball for 36 minutes and you had a 1% chance of winning the game with 3 minutes left.

Let's not act like the players knew they were going to win this game the entire time
It's funny but on the flip side, calling out your own fans for this is kinda weaksauce. You were 10.5 point favorites at home and down 15 with 4 minutes left. Your team played uninspired basketball for 36 minutes and you had a 1% chance of winning the game with 3 minutes left.

Let's not act like the players knew they were going to win this game the entire time

What's going to change in 3 minutes after 37 minutes of flailing...99% of the time?

It was a miracle finish. Get real.
Im like so. I gotta work in the morning and you guys dont seem to be putting much on the table.

Loved the game but whats with these guys? We saw you getting smoked with 4 minutes left. Did it take leaving fans to motivate you guys? Super sensitive much?

Ok the main reason for most of the game was NW being more athletic and NW not having the ingedients...ball do that. NW coaches moved the game away from Iowa weaknesses. They moved to making Iowa panic which turned JBo lose and Iowa converted. Iowa loves chaos. NW allowed that.
Good, bad, or indifferent this current group of players has always been very concerned about outside noise and things they can’t control.

The last few years when they were whining about people being mean on Twitter it was a bad look, but as long as they keep winning games I guess I don’t care.
Last night when I saw this I was on TC’s side. Since then I’ve kinda of reflected and backed off.

I believe the reason why we were able to come back was because we are better than northwestern. However, the reason we needed to was because we didn’t play well and most of the game the team was lathargic. For 36 minutes we played bad. So you can’t really blame some guy in the stands for seeing the team not put in their full effort and and not sticking around. It was late Sunday night, most people work the next day, I read on Twitter there was some freezing rain and we were a 99.1 probability to lose for a reason.

I’ll give credit to the team for pulling it off in grand fashion tho. Good teams find ways to win when they aren’t playing well. And that’s what happened.
Aw come on, TC was being pretty light hearted about it. Heck he had all the media guys laughing. Think about how you would feel if you saw a bunch of fans leaving and then you come back and win. It had to feel pretty sweet for him to witness all the blue hairs leaving and then they came back to win.

It's one of my pet peeves going to the game, I typically end up sitting towards the top because I'm cheap and am not rich. It's annoying as hell when the 4 minute mark hits to watch all the old people get up and make their way up the stairs. I have no right telling others how to fan but it's kinda sad, and many do it no matter what the score it.
Aw come on, TC was being pretty light hearted about it. Heck he had all the media guys laughing. Think about how you would feel if you saw a bunch of fans leaving and then you come back and win. It had to feel pretty sweet for him to witness all the blue hairs leaving and then they came back to win.

It's one of my pet peeves going to the game, I typically end up sitting towards the top because I'm cheap and am not rich. It's annoying as hell when the 4 minute mark hits to watch all the old people get up and make their way up the stairs. I have no right telling others how to fan but it's kinda sad, and many do it no matter what the score it.

Heck, plenty of people were heading up the aisles when we were BEATING Michigan. I for one wanted to stick around and celebrate a little and savor the victory. I'm not going to smash TC on this, I'd like to see people stick around a little longer myself.
Good, bad, or indifferent this current group of players has always been very concerned about outside noise and things they can’t control.

The last few years when they were whining about people being mean on Twitter it was a bad look, but as long as they keep winning games I guess I don’t care.

I kind of think this is a pretty likeable group of 18-20 year olds myself. Are they all 1st team all big ten But They stay out of trouble, seem to be good students and representatives of the U of I and are having a pretty good season and are actually ranked. They are young and want the kind of environment they see in other places, no issue with that at all. I don't expect them to know how to just tune everyone out yet at that age.
I kind of think this is a pretty likeable group of 18-20 year olds myself. Are they all 1st team all big ten But They stay out of trouble, seem to be good students and representatives of the U of I and are having a pretty good season and are actually ranked. They are young and want the kind of environment they see in other places, no issue with that at all. I don't expect them to know how to just tune everyone out yet at that age.
I’m not saying I dislike any of the players because of it, that’s just kind of the way it’s been since they’ve been here. It might be just a product of the society we live in today.

I don’t like that the fans left early, but Carver looked to have a ton of open seats yesterday (not sure if that was only the student section). It’s hard for me to tell people what to do with their money and time, so those who actually spent money on tickets and went to the game, it’s hard to just say don’t come at all if you’re going to leave early, that would mean others would have to spend the money to go to the game or we’d be looking at more empty seats in CHA.

As they say in sports winning cures all, so as long as this team keeps winning I think we will all be happy, and fan interest in this team will continue to grow.
Its Carver....what do they expect?!:




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Blue Hairs....gotta beat traffic out....

Yep, build those blue hair donors some suites so the younger fans (or old farts like me that stay until the final buzzer) can move into those seats.

I have to say one of the best crowds I've ever been a part of was an NIT game. It was Frans 2nd year and us fans were just thrilled to be playing in a post season tournament. I remember the opposing team (Dayton?) was technically the home team because the only reason it was played at Iowa was because their arena was being used for the NCAA tournament. IIRC the game was sold as a first come first serve and I think it sold out, it was a completely different crowd where I saw families sitting where the blue hairs usually sit. Very few people left at the usual 4 minute mark and Iowa pulled out the win.
Yep, build those blue hair donors some suites so the younger fans (or old farts like me that stay until the final buzzer) can move into those seats.

I have to say one of the best crowds I've ever been a part of was an NIT game. It was Frans 2nd year and us fans were just thrilled to be playing in a post season tournament. I remember the opposing team (Dayton?) was technically the home team because the only reason it was played at Iowa was because their arena was being used for the NCAA tournament. IIRC the game was sold as a first come first serve and I think it sold out, it was a completely different crowd where I saw families sitting where the blue hairs usually sit. Very few people left at the usual 4 minute mark and Iowa pulled out the win.

I was there for that game, the place was crazy.
It's funny but on the flip side, calling out your own fans for this is kinda weaksauce. You were 10.5 point favorites at home and down 15 with 4 minutes left. Your team played uninspired basketball for 36 minutes and you had a 1% chance of winning the game with 3 minutes left.

Let's not act like the players knew they were going to win this game the entire time
Your time will be better spent on practicing with more intensity so you don't brick the front end of two one and ones.

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