Recruiting - Iowa vs Bama/LSU


Well-Known Member
As they were showing the starting line-up last night, did you notice for both Bama and LSU that nearly ALL of their starters were from in state? Based on my cursory observation, each team had maybe 1 or 2 starters that were from out of state, outside of that, they were all in-state guys for each team.

Just pointing out the obvious, but recruiting is a whole lot easier when you can go after those in-state guys (suspect most were 3* or higher as well), reel 'em in and go from there.

Bama has competition with Auburn for the Alabama guys but LSU for all intent and purpose has no in-state competition for their top players. I'm sure they lose some of their in-state guys to other teams, but it's pretty clear that if you can grow 'em and keep 'em at home, recruiting is a whole lot easier.

Contrasting that to Iowa, there aren't very many highly ranked in-state players to start with, then you end up splitting that between Iowa, ISU and to some degree UNI.

From my perspective, it just reiterates what a tough job the Iowa coaching staff has in their recruiting efforts.
But I thought the excuse that we are from little old Iowa was complete BS. If you listen to most people on this board disadvantages like this are abberations that should be overlooked and minor speed bumps in the way with our dates with destiny.

Maybe our coaches have it all wrong and should be following the examples of Saban and Miles. We should focusing almost exclusively on in-state talent. If we did that we could most definitely achieve what LSU and Alabama do annually, or we would just become Iowa State...
But I thought the excuse that we are from little old Iowa was complete BS. If you listen to most people on this board disadvantages like this are abberations that should be overlooked and minor speed bumps in the way with our dates with destiny.

Maybe our coaches have it all wrong and should be following the examples of Saban and Miles. We should focusing almost exclusively on in-state talent. If we did that we could most definitely achieve what LSU and Alabama do annually, or we would just become Iowa State...

There are in-state players in Iowa - just not a lot of great athletes like there are in the deep south. How many of our skill position players over the years are from Iowa? Most are from FL, TX, NJ, MD, etc.
There are in-state players in Iowa - just not a lot of great athletes like there are in the deep south. How many of our skill position players over the years are from Iowa? Most are from FL, TX, NJ, MD, etc.

There are a few but not a lot. Most of our players come from outside the sate. Take a look at our current list of commits. How many players from the state of Iowa do you count? Obviously, KF and crew face an uphill battle when it comes to attracting athletes to stay competitive in the B10. I would say he does an exemplary job of doing so, regardless of what the vocal minority says. ;) Football Recruiting
There are a few but not a lot. Most of our players come from outside the sate. Take a look at our current list of commits. How many players from the state of Iowa do you count? Obviously, KF and crew face an uphill battle when it comes to attracting athletes to stay competitive in the B10. I would say he does an exemplary job of doing so, regardless of what the vocal minority says. ;) Football Recruiting

I count 3 Iowans in the past two recruiting classes, and don't believe there were any (so far) in the latest class. So obviously KF and his staff know that they have to look out of state for a lot of their talent.

Of course it's tough to go into FL, TX, etc. and get any of the top recruits from those states who probably grew up dreaming of playing for the Longhorns, Gators, etc. but I'm sure there are still opportunities in those states to grab some nice talent. It's a matter of selling the program and sealing the deal I guess.

It definitely becomes far easier if you have that type of talent in-state that dreams of playing for YOUR program.

I took a look at our current roster earlier this morning, and at RB, there were only 2 from IA out of a list of a dozen or so. There are a few scattered at WR (like Keenan Davis & Jordan Cotton).

So there are a few Iowans scattered here and there throughout our roster. It looked like the majority of them are either on the OL, or DB from what I recall seeing.
you also forget that they run their team like a pro team, they get 30 plus recruits each year and during the summer they cut the players that don't perform the previous year.
not so hard to stay at the top when they are allowed to openly cheat.

the NCAA has a rule change on the table that would stop alot of the oversigning, they want to change the scholly from a annual renewing to a guanteed 5 year scholly.
the bigger schools are against it stateing they don't have the money to guantee a scholarship for 5 years, i say BS because they have the money for the scholarships because of the one year and always have 85 on scholarship every year. the 5 year guantee just mean they can't run players off anymore.
this would put a major stop to over signing and put a end to what Bob Stoops did a few days ago of not renewing scholarships to those 9 players he labelled problem players
you also forget that they run their team like a pro team, they get 30 plus recruits each year and during the summer they cut the players that don't perform the previous year.
not so hard to stay at the top when they are allowed to openly cheat.

the NCAA has a rule change on the table that would stop alot of the oversigning, they want to change the scholly from a annual renewing to a guanteed 5 year scholly.
the bigger schools are against it stateing they don't have the money to guantee a scholarship for 5 years, i say BS because they have the money for the scholarships because of the one year and always have 85 on scholarship every year. the 5 year guantee just mean they can't run players off anymore.
this would put a major stop to over signing and put a end to what Bob Stoops did a few days ago of not renewing scholarships to those 9 players he labelled problem players

That would be great if this stops. And I agree - it's BS if these schools claim they don't have the money for it. But naturally, the bigtime programs that engage in this practice are going to whine about it and claim whatever they think they have to in order to keep this practice in place. Hopefully the NCAA doesn't fall for it.
you also forget that they run their team like a pro team, they get 30 plus recruits each year and during the summer they cut the players that don't perform the previous year.
not so hard to stay at the top when they are allowed to openly cheat.

the NCAA has a rule change on the table that would stop alot of the oversigning, they want to change the scholly from a annual renewing to a guanteed 5 year scholly.
the bigger schools are against it stateing they don't have the money to guantee a scholarship for 5 years, i say BS because they have the money for the scholarships because of the one year and always have 85 on scholarship every year. the 5 year guantee just mean they can't run players off anymore.
this would put a major stop to over signing and put a end to what Bob Stoops did a few days ago of not renewing scholarships to those 9 players he labelled problem players

I dont have as much of a problem with pulling schollies from kids that have broken team rules or laws, although Im not sure of the exact situation at Oklahoma.

Not renewing a scholly because the kid just didnt develop to be a good player or because he has struggled with injuries is the bigger problem, IMHO.
you also forget that they run their team like a pro team, they get 30 plus recruits each year and during the summer they cut the players that don't perform the previous year.
not so hard to stay at the top when they are allowed to openly cheat.

the NCAA has a rule change on the table that would stop alot of the oversigning, they want to change the scholly from a annual renewing to a guanteed 5 year scholly.
the bigger schools are against it stateing they don't have the money to guantee a scholarship for 5 years, i say BS because they have the money for the scholarships because of the one year and always have 85 on scholarship every year. the 5 year guantee just mean they can't run players off anymore.
this would put a major stop to over signing and put a end to what Bob Stoops did a few days ago of not renewing scholarships to those 9 players he labelled problem players

IF the NCAA sets such a rule, there has to be conditions in place as well, and those would allow plenty of cutting. ie. Grades, Attendence, Ciminal Activity, Misconduct, etc. And a 4 year has to be the standard, not 5. Redshirting is optional - ie. Notre Dame is at a severe disadvantage, as they require players to graduate in 4 years - hence tougher workload, and no redshirts.

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