Practice Video - OL vs DL Drills


Well-Known Member
Here's a link to a series of videos of the OL vs DL drills at Kids Day.
Scrimmage video session — OL vs. DL | TheGazette

The DL doesn't look too bad in these vids. Looks like they're trying to bring some nasty. Cooper even gets into it with Ferentz a little bit with some shoving back n forth. Cooper is fiesty. Jaleel looks huge and strong. OL did push them back pretty good on some of those drills too.
The guys that really stood out on the DL in those videos were Gaglione and Trinca Pasat. Cooper really stood out as well, he is going to be very good. Davis and Alvis looked inconsistent which is what you would expect after missing so much time.
I missed the drills on Saturday but was there for the scrimmage. Thanks for posting. My view on this is still based on what I saw later. There were lapses for sure but I thought this year's DL looked significantly better then last year's at this point.

These practices are a relative thing because we are seeing the difference between our OL and DL. Last year I walked out of there thinking we had an incredible OL but it turned out the DL was subpar. This incarnation of the DL is better at this point against this OL. So the real question is "how good is this OL?". If they are truly top 3 as some think then we might be a little better than I was thinking.

I was impressed at times w/ Gaglione's and Cooper's play. Thinking back on it, they seemed to have something going w/ the LBs and run coverage looked good at times. They seemed to be in the right place and they seemed to understand their assignments in the scheme. Of course they were eaten alive at other times.

The Hawks need to take advantage of this gift of a schedule to tighten up the DL play to be more consistent. We got glimpses of what they are capable of.
The guys that really stood out on the DL in those videos were Gaglione and Trinca Pasat. Cooper really stood out as well, he is going to be very good. Davis and Alvis looked inconsistent which is what you would expect after missing so much time.

Alvis was REALLY coming into his own when he went down last year, imo. I fully expect it to take another 10 weeks before he begins to resemble the player we saw last year as he continues to gain confidence in that knee. I hope (and have no reason to expect otherwise) that the coaches are being careful with his workload early on...
I saw the same thing. The O line bullied around the D line throwing them down and seemed to always have them off balance.

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