'Past is the Past ...'

personal growth is a continum. hopefully one moves from less mature/developed to more. As a person moves along the path of personal growth certain notions of "self help" seem silly and trite. But only after the person has moved through that "place". Some people will benefit from the "garbage". Still there are those who refuse introspection, are prideful, narrow minded and dismiss things without inquiry. This later category are the know-it-all's. I've heard those people rant on about political, social, moral or even sports debates and they are simply uninformed and refuse to be informed. They have a base alloy of pride and ignorance.

Everyone has room for personal growth.
I agree with Freed in that a lot ( not all ) self help books mostly help the person who wrote them make money. DP5555 is so dead on about KF. I have talked with a number of kids and parents and their stories about KF are all pretty much the same. He is one of few D-1 coaches that has 2 private meetings with the kids every year. The conversations are as much about their lives as it is about football. He is a great leader. Lets all hope he turns this thing around

LASBUR I agree with this statement as well. The majority of self help books are written to make the author money... that doesn't mean they are garbage. Some of them are and some of them aren't, but to label the whole category garbage is a little naive.

Freed I said I assumed you aren't a CEO or business owner because most people are not. It's not a stretch to assume that. I never flat out said you weren't. If you are then reading that article certainly could have been insightful. Whether you choose to be narrow-minded about it is up to you.

I'm loyal to the idea of Ferentz being Iowa's coach mainly because I think he's a great leader and person. Those abilities are hard to find. Schemes, plays, formations, strategies, and assistants are all things that can be changed and adapted. He's trying to do that as we speak. It's proven history that Kirk has what it takes to figure out how to turn around a program that's in decline. Whether or not his methods and style are too old school for today's football remains to be seen. In my opinion, it would be wise to wait and see if these changes make a difference before throwing him under the bus.
LASBUR I agree with this statement as well. The majority of self help books are written to make the author money... that doesn't mean they are garbage. Some of them are and some of them aren't, but to label the whole category garbage is a little naive.

Freed I said I assumed you aren't a CEO or business owner because most people are not. It's not a stretch to assume that. I never flat out said you weren't. If you are then reading that article certainly could have been insightful. Whether you choose to be narrow-minded about it is up to you.

I'm loyal to the idea of Ferentz being Iowa's coach mainly because I think he's a great leader and person. Those abilities are hard to find. Schemes, plays, formations, strategies, and assistants are all things that can be changed and adapted. He's trying to do that as we speak. It's proven history that Kirk has what it takes to figure out how to turn around a program that's in decline. Whether or not his methods and style are too old school for today's football remains to be seen. In my opinion, it would be wise to wait and see if these changes make a difference before throwing him under the bus.

Didn't you read my other responses on this thread? I said I was kinda optimistic to see what G. Davis will do this season. I heard an interview with him from a few weeks back. I got pumped, a little, as I was listening to him. I ain't throwing nobody under the bus. Calling for ferentz to be fired right now is stupid. If the season is bad, that's a different story, but now ain't the right time for that talk. Don't get me wrong, though. I still wish he wasn't the HC. Just so you know I am being consistent.

And I am not narrow minded on that the self help stuff. No doubt that everybody, yes everybody, should have a mentor in life. That's real self help. Of course you gotta be careful who you choose as your mentors. I also think that a mentor should be older than you as well. Good mentors are hard to find, but they are out there. Thank God they are, or else I may not be alive right now. (I do realize some would be happy if that was the case)

NC, please read this cause this is a response to you too as I am sure your response was directed toward me concerning the self help topic.

Didn't you read my other responses on this thread? I said I was kinda optimistic to see what G. Davis will do this season. I heard an interview with him from a few weeks back. I got pumped, a little, as I was listening to him. I ain't throwing nobody under the bus. Calling for ferentz to be fired right now is stupid. If the season is bad, that's a different story, but now ain't the right time for that talk. Don't get me wrong, though. I still wish he wasn't the HC. Just so you know I am being consistent.

And I am not narrow minded on that the self help stuff. No doubt that everybody, yes everybody, should have a mentor in life. That's real self help. Of course you gotta be careful who you choose as your mentors. I also think that a mentor should be older than you as well. Good mentors are hard to find, but they are out there. Thank God they are, or else I may not be alive right now. (I do realize some would be happy if that was the case)

NC, please read this cause this is a response to you too as I am sure your response was directed toward me concerning the self help topic.


Maybe that is my problem, I never had a mentor.
When my step daughter did not want my help, she struck out in softball every time for the first two games. After she wanted my help I was frustrated (I posted on here about it) because she comes from a line of athletically challenged people. By the end of the season she was the best hitter on her team. Point is hard work pays off and if you want to be the best you have to out work the rest. So yes, the past is the past, yesterday does not matter anymore, what your going to do today is all that matters. As for freed and his job thing. So you get fired, big deal. Then you got fired yesterday, THAT IS NOT TODAY! Many of battles have been lost, but the war goes on.

True, for the most part. But if you fail to learn anything from the mistakes of your past you're less likely to do better "today".

Working harder today...the same way you did it yesterday... will likely end you up with same result. I believe that is why so many are skeptical about the program bouncing back. KFz is not a big one for change, and what worked 10 years ago, may not work now.
Your step daughter? Comes from a long line of athletically challenged people? Too bad she doesn't have some of your athletically gifted genes instead of her putridly awful DNA that you married into. At least she had the good sense to finally listen to you so that she could have some success, which really is more attributable to you than her considering she can barely walk and chew gum at the same time. So lucky to have such a great step dad.

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