'Past is the Past ...'

ferentz was talking about the past 2012 season. This was after he hired a new OC and put in a new offense. So, if you are talking to boosters in this context, you could say, "We are gonna continue to build upon the new offense from last year and we've also hired some new asst. coaches with the goal to enhance those changes by better coaching the players concerning the system". Something like that.

I wasn't all bothered like some were with his original comments.


White, Reid, Kennedy...They may suck, I don't know, but the changes certainly continued after the giant fart that was last season. His actions are speaking much louder than his words. Except on this board.
ferentz was talking about the past 2012 season. This was after he hired a new OC and put in a new offense. So, if you are talking to boosters in this context, you could say, "We are gonna continue to build upon the new offense from last year and we've also hired some new asst. coaches with the goal to enhance those changes by better coaching the players concerning the system". Something like that.

I wasn't all bothered like some were with his original comments.


I also don't have any problem with what he said.
I agree with you Freed. I never thought I'd utter those words. Like, ever.
White, Reid, Kennedy...They may suck, I don't know, but the changes certainly continued after the giant fart that was last season. His actions are speaking much louder than his words. Except on this board.

This is funny to me. He's very obviously made wholesale changes to the program in the last 2 years, yet there is still a radical portion of the fanbase who pretends like he's done nothing but collect paychecks and laugh at them.

I understand that results will speak louder than anything else, but the guy is trying to turn things around whether some of you people choose to admit it or not.
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This is funny to me. He's very obviously made wholesale changes to the program in the last 2 years, yet there is still a radical portion of the fanbase who pretends like he's done nothing but collect paychecks and laugh at the fanbase.

I understand that results will speak louder than anything else, but the guy is trying to turn things around whether some of you people choose to admit it or not.

^this and a little more if this
The coaching staff(the ones that are left) and the players were embarrassed by what happen last year. Clever soundbites to the players and the fanbase won't do much. That trainwreck of a season last year is plenty of motivation for everyone involved.
This is funny to me. He's very obviously made wholesale changes to the program in the last 2 years, yet there is still a radical portion of the fanbase who pretends like he's done nothing but collect paychecks and laugh at them.

I understand that results will speak louder than anything else, but the guy is trying to turn things around whether some of you people choose to admit it or not.

This is a familiar pattern with coaches that have failing programs. First... change out the assistants, inferring that the problem is with them. It buys the HC a couple more years, but it rarely "turns things around".

I'd love to think our situation will be the exception. But I haven't seen anything yet to indicate it will be.
This is a familiar pattern with coaches that have failing programs. First... change out the assistants, inferring that the problem is with them. It buys the HC a couple more years, but it rarely "turns things around".

I'd love to think our situation will be the exception. But I haven't seen anything yet to indicate it will be.

How many coaches in the situations you speak of have been at their "failing program" as long as KF has been at Iowa? You can't stay somewhere as long as he has without having to make changes. You act as if you can see into the future. Has KF turned things around at Iowa before? If your answer to that is yes then he deserves the opportunity to see if he can do it again. Why don't we wait and see before jumping to conclusions there big guy?

If he didn't make any changes after the results we've seen recently then he would be butchered for it. The fact is he has made changes and he's trying to right the ship. Either way people like you are going to find something to complain about.
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This is a familiar pattern with coaches that have failing programs. First... change out the assistants, inferring that the problem is with them. It buys the HC a couple more years, but it rarely "turns things around".

I'd love to think our situation will be the exception. But I haven't seen anything yet to indicate it will be.

This also happens in corporte America all the time. Sales manager, execs, ceo's always have themselves protected with people aroud them. If things go south, the people around them are always first to be blamed and fired.

Yep, it does buy them some time before they get fired.

Don't get me wrong at all. I'm glad ferentz made changes and hopefully it will pay off this year. Call me nuts, but I do got some faith in G. Davis for this season.

This also happens in corporte America all the time. Sales manager, execs, ceo's always have themselves protected with people aroud them. If things go south, the people around them are always first to be blamed and fired.

Yep, it does buy them some time before they get fired.

Don't get me wrong at all. I'm glad ferentz made changes and hopefully it will pay off this year. Call me nuts, but I do got some faith in G. Davis for this season.


Read this short article Freed...
Rock Bottom: How Great Leaders Triumph Over Failure - Forbes

Just because Ferentz is struggling to right the ship doesn't mean he isn't a great leader. Many of the qualities mentioned in this article remind me of KF.

I particularly like the last paragraph:

Always show loyalty to yourself. Embrace your weaknesses and shortcomings, but work to turn them into strengths. You cannot control the negative opinions of people around you, but with self-acceptance, you can block out the noise.
I'd be concerned if KF sold out and tried to be and build a program or style that is foreign to himself. He is widely respected outside the internet forums - most notably among his peers. It's a bit tougher to win the conference at Iowa. I think he'll recover from this trough and regain respectable win - loss records in seasons ahead forward.
Read this short article Freed...
Rock Bottom: How Great Leaders Triumph Over Failure - Forbes

Just because Ferentz is struggling to right the ship doesn't mean he isn't a great leader. Many of the qualities mentioned in this article remind me of KF.

I particularly like the last paragraph:

Always show loyalty to yourself. Embrace your weaknesses and shortcomings, but work to turn them into strengths. You cannot control the negative opinions of people around you, but with self-acceptance, you can block out the noise.

Thanks, but think I'll pass. So much of those articles and self help books are nothing but BS!!! This is coming from one that used to totally believe that stuff was golden.

I feel sorry for the young guys coming out of college that are forced to read that junk and actually believe it until their eyes get opened. This usually happens after they do well and get fired because of nothing they did wrong, or because of a company merger and they are out of a job after improving the company's bottom line..

Gotta stop talking about that garbage before I puke, but thanks again for offering.

DP5555 Very good article. I have been to the mountain top and spent time in the valley. I prefer the mountain top. But wouldnt trade what I learned in the valley for anything. Thanks for sharing
Read this short article Freed...
Rock Bottom: How Great Leaders Triumph Over Failure - Forbes

Just because Ferentz is struggling to right the ship doesn't mean he isn't a great leader. Many of the qualities mentioned in this article remind me of KF.

I particularly like the last paragraph:

Always show loyalty to yourself. Embrace your weaknesses and shortcomings, but work to turn them into strengths. You cannot control the negative opinions of people around you, but with self-acceptance, you can block out the noise.
Freed what was good about this one was what was said by people who have been there, not some guy writing a book or some professer.
Thanks, but think I'll pass. So much of those articles and self help books are nothing but BS!!! This is coming from one that used to totally believe that stuff was golden.

I feel sorry for the young guys coming out of college that are forced to read that junk and actually believe it until their eyes get opened. This usually happens after they do well and get fired because of nothing they did wrong, or because of a company merger and they are out of a job after improving the company's bottom line..

Gotta stop talking about that garbage before I puke, but thanks again for offering.

Thanks, but think I'll pass. So much of those articles and self help books are nothing but BS!!! This is coming from one that used to totally believe that stuff was golden.

I feel sorry for the young guys coming out of college that are forced to read that junk and actually believe it until their eyes get opened. This usually happens after they do well and get fired because of nothing they did wrong, or because of a company merger and they are out of a job after improving the company's bottom line..

Gotta stop talking about that garbage before I puke, but thanks again for offering.


So basically you have the "I'm better than that mentality". Gotchya. My point wasn't to recommend the article for business advice or self-help. It was to point out the fact that many great leaders have fought through adversity to achieve things that no one else thought they could. Because you've made it clear your opinion/knowledge is the only thing that matters to you tells me a lot. People learn from their mistakes and they try to grow from them. Some people are more stubborn than others. Its funny because you'll argue that Ferentz refuses to listen to other people's advice, yet you refuse to read an article that simply points out many great leaders in history fought through struggles at one point or another. Why? Because it doesn't fall in line with your thought process so it isn't necessary right? Hence, you're doing the same thing you've likely accused Ferentz of doing. Refusing to look at things from outside the box because you feel like you're methods are superior.

Iowa has always struggled to maintain a consistent winning formula. It comes with the territory. Ferentz has brought a lot success to the University that not many other coaches could have done. Whether or not he lasts at Iowa sooner or later you will realize that in the grand scheme of things it is extremely difficult to maintain a top 10-15 team when you're in a state with as many disadvantages as Iowa.
When my step daughter did not want my help, she struck out in softball every time for the first two games. After she wanted my help I was frustrated (I posted on here about it) because she comes from a line of athletically challenged people. By the end of the season she was the best hitter on her team. Point is hard work pays off and if you want to be the best you have to out work the rest. So yes, the past is the past, yesterday does not matter anymore, what your going to do today is all that matters. As for freed and his job thing. So you get fired, big deal. Then you got fired yesterday, THAT IS NOT TODAY! Many of battles have been lost, but the war goes on.
So basically you have the "I'm better than that mentality". Gotchya. My point wasn't to recommend the article for business advice or self-help. It was to point out the fact that many great leaders have fought through adversity to achieve things that no one else thought they could. Because you've made it clear your opinion/knowledge is the only thing that matters to you tells me a lot. People learn from their mistakes and they try to grow from them. Some people are more stubborn than others. Its funny because you'll argue that Ferentz refuses to listen to other people's advice, yet you refuse to read an article that simply points out many great leaders in history fought through struggles at one point or another. Why? Because it doesn't fall in line with your thought process so it isn't necessary right? Hence, you're doing the same thing you've likely accused Ferentz of doing. Refusing to look at things from outside the box because you feel like you're methods are superior.

Iowa has always struggled to maintain a consistent winning formula. It comes with the territory. Ferentz has brought a lot success to the University that not many other coaches could have done. Whether or not he lasts at Iowa sooner or later you will realize that in the grand scheme of things it is extremely difficult to maintain a top 10-15 team when you're in a state with as many disadvantages as Iowa.

It semms like my assumption about that article was as wrong as you are about me.

I don't think I'm better. Just been down that self help road before and most of that stuff is garbage. Thought that this article was more of that. Evidently I was wrong about it.

It semms like my assumption about that article was as wrong as you are about me.

I don't think I'm better. Just been down that self help road before and most of that stuff is garbage. Thought that this article was more of that. Evidently I was wrong about it.


Stating that self-help books are garbage is your opinion and you're entitled to it. Depending on your perspective the article could be in the self-help category, but I'm assuming you aren't a CEO or a business owner so that probably wouldn't apply to you. However, I do disagree with the your opinion towards self-help books. It's all a matter of how you apply them. Millions of people have read Dave Ramsey's book Total Money Makeover. Is it garbage? Absolutely not. It all depends on whether or not the reader has the ability and discipline to follow through with his recommendations. If they do then it will pay dividends in the long run. If they don't then they probably consider his book "garbage".

You and I actually agree on a lot regarding the state of Iowa football and Kirk Ferentz. His methods and strategy were exactly where they needed to be when he first came in, and it was just what the program needed in order to turn it around. However, the game has changed in many ways since then, and Kirk has struggled to adapt to these changes. Certainly part of that is his stubborness to adjust and admit that changes needed to be made. Because he dragged his feet in making changes I believe the program started to slip, and ulitimately it has ended up where we are today. The current state of the program has forced Kirk's hand. He's making changes as best he can. Whether or not these changes prove to be what is necessary remains to be seen.

The difference between your perspective and mine is that I have always believed, and still do believe that Kirk Ferentz is a great leader of young men. I think you'd be hard pressed to find someone who leads college aged kids as well as Kirk does. His organizational skills are second to none. That's a fact that has been pointed out by many elite coaches in the football world. He goes about things the right way, and his main focus is on turning these kids into men first and football players second. That's why I've remained loyal to the idea of him being Iowa's head coach. He's showing that no matter how stubborn he can be he's willing to make changes. Maybe in the long run these changes will ultimately mean his demise, but it won't be because he's a poor leader. It will be because the game of football changed and he couldn't figure out how to adjust quick enough.
Read this short article Freed...
Rock Bottom: How Great Leaders Triumph Over Failure - Forbes

Just because Ferentz is struggling to right the ship doesn't mean he isn't a great leader. Many of the qualities mentioned in this article remind me of KF.

I particularly like the last paragraph:

Always show loyalty to yourself. Embrace your weaknesses and shortcomings, but work to turn them into strengths. You cannot control the negative opinions of people around you, but with self-acceptance, you can block out the noise.
The last paragraph made me think.....Lickliter!
Stating that self-help books are garbage is your opinion and you're entitled to it. Depending on your perspective the article could be in the self-help category, but I'm assuming you aren't a CEO or a business owner so that probably wouldn't apply to you. However, I do disagree with the your opinion towards self-help books. It's all a matter of how you apply them. Millions of people have read Dave Ramsey's book Total Money Makeover. Is it garbage? Absolutely not. It all depends on whether or not the reader has the ability and discipline to follow through with his recommendations. If they do then it will pay dividends in the long run. If they don't then they probably consider his book "garbage".

You and I actually agree on a lot regarding the state of Iowa football and Kirk Ferentz. His methods and strategy were exactly where they needed to be when he first came in, and it was just what the program needed in order to turn it around. However, the game has changed in many ways since then, and Kirk has struggled to adapt to these changes. Certainly part of that is his stubborness to adjust and admit that changes needed to be made. Because he dragged his feet in making changes I believe the program started to slip, and ulitimately it has ended up where we are today. The current state of the program has forced Kirk's hand. He's making changes as best he can. Whether or not these changes prove to be what is necessary remains to be seen.

The difference between your perspective and mine is that I have always believed, and still do believe that Kirk Ferentz is a great leader of young men. I think you'd be hard pressed to find someone who leads college aged kids as well as Kirk does. His organizational skills are second to none. That's a fact that has been pointed out by many elite coaches in the football world. He goes about things the right way, and his main focus is on turning these kids into men first and football players second. That's why I've remained loyal to the idea of him being Iowa's head coach. He's showing that no matter how stubborn he can be he's willing to make changes. Maybe in the long run these changes will ultimately mean his demise, but it won't be because he's a poor leader. It will be because the game of football changed and he couldn't figure out how to adjust quick enough.

1. How you do know that I am not or have not been a ceo or busines owner? :)

2. I said most of the self help stuff is garbage, and it is. Not all of it of course.

3. On your ferentz stuff. Well, ok. I don't hold some of the beliefs on him that you do. You say state why you've remained loyal to the idea of him being Iowa's head coach. Ok, I am not.

I agree with Freed in that a lot ( not all ) self help books mostly help the person who wrote them make money. DP5555 is so dead on about KF. I have talked with a number of kids and parents and their stories about KF are all pretty much the same. He is one of few D-1 coaches that has 2 private meetings with the kids every year. The conversations are as much about their lives as it is about football. He is a great leader. Lets all hope he turns this thing around

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