Minneapolis weather on Saturday


Well-Known Member
Thirties at gametime. VERY WINDY (NW at 19 mph).

The team that runs the ball and stops the run will win. Throwing the ball will be difficult.

I think Iowa has a decent chance to win this game if we don't turn the ball over.
That's not really good news for us. Rudock struggles on windy days more than most. That's my impression anyway. That might be why the line is so close.
If we win the toss and kirk takes the ball instead of the wind in the fourth quarter...I'm not going to be very happy. Can someone make sure he doesn't do that and that he knows how all that works and everything? It hasn't been clear that he understands that when he takes the ball, the other team gets to choose which goal they defend and thus takes the wind for the fourth quarter.
Weisman averages 7.2 yards per carry in two games against Minny, so we got that going for us. Looking forward to see what Wadley, Parker and Powell can do as well. Powell had a good game against them last year.
Jake flutters the ball similar to Peyton Manning. And in no way shape or form am I saying Jake and Peyton in the same breath but they do kinda float the ball. Much like CJ and Tom Brady throw tight spirals which do work better throwing into the wind. I can see Jake getting nervous about fluttering a couple balls and reverting back to check down charlie on Saturday. He's great one game then heads right back into the shell.
Windy?? Short passing game. Calling GREG DAVIS to the rescue!!!!

OMG, I hope your wrong ... GD might go back to horizontal city faster than skanky Madonna after a double martini.

I hope that weather forecast changes to 5-10 MPH winds like we had last week in Kinnick. Maybe the old Metrotomb was not so bad after all.
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OMG, I hope your wrong ... GD might go back to horizontal city faster than skanky Madonna after a double martini.

I hope that weather forecast changes to 5-10 MPH winds like we had last week in Kinnick. Maybe the old Metrotomb was not so bad after all.

Not good....checked the forecast today and they are now calling for low-30s, with 21 mph winds out of the NW.

Anyone know if they had the good sense to block the North wind with stands or buildings?

Just our luck to have the nastiest weather for any game in the league this year up in Minny.

As for strategy, I prefer that we defer in the first qtr, give them the ball, take the wind ,stop them cold and make them punt against that wind and get an early lead....get the ball in the 3rd qtr first, with a lead, and Kill might have to take the wind in the third anyway, to try to catch up. Then Iowa gets the wind in the 4th.
Not good....checked the forecast today and they are now calling for low-30s, with 21 mph winds out of the NW.

Anyone know if they had the good sense to block the North wind with stands or buildings?

Just our luck to have the nastiest weather for any game in the league this year up in Minny.

As for strategy, I prefer that we defer in the first qtr, give them the ball, take the wind ,stop them cold and make them punt against that wind and get an early lead....get the ball in the 3rd qtr first, with a lead, and Kill might have to take the wind in the third anyway, to try to catch up. Then Iowa gets the wind in the 4th.
TFC stadium actually runs east-west and the west end of the stadium is open. Kind of different than the traditional north-south design most stadiums have.
Thanks for the info. Sounds like that open west end is going to allow that 21mph wind to dictate strategy and hurt the Iowa passing game....while it will not affect the Minny passing game, which is not strong at all.

Shapes up to be a Gopher edge...home field, weather friendly for their style.....not good news for the Hawkeyes.
If we win the toss and kirk takes the ball instead of the wind in the fourth quarter...I'm not going to be very happy. Can someone make sure he doesn't do that and that he knows how all that works and everything? It hasn't been clear that he understands that when he takes the ball, the other team gets to choose which goal they defend and thus takes the wind for the fourth quarter.

I would bet money that if we win the toss,Kirk will want the ball first.
Those things you talk about don't seem to matter to the ol coach.
If it is windy, it is definitely not an advantage for Minnesota. They have been terrible throwing the ball this year. Not saying it is advantage for Iowa either but Minnesota might struggle more with the wind.
I would bet money that if we win the toss,Kirk will want the ball first.
Those things you talk about don't seem to matter to the ol coach.

I am probably in the minority here, but I never understood why wind in the 4th quarter is a big deal. Points in the first 3 quarters count the same as points in the 4th. No matter how you decide with the coin flip, you go with the wind 2 quarters and against for 2 quarters. And no matter how you decide (unless you choose to specify your defended goal both halves, which I do have a problem with), you start one half with the ball, and the other half you do not. There really is no advantage one way or another.

I am guessing Iowa probably always takes the ball because they know if the other team wins the flip, they will probably defer (because for whatever reason, that is what most coaches do). This allows Iowa to almost always start each game the same way. There is comfort in that sort of familiarity.
I am probably in the minority here, but I never understood why wind in the 4th quarter is a big deal. Points in the first 3 quarters count the same as points in the 4th. No matter how you decide with the coin flip, you go with the wind 2 quarters and against for 2 quarters. And no matter how you decide (unless you choose to specify your defended goal both halves, which I do have a problem with), you start one half with the ball, and the other half you do not. There really is no advantage one way or another.

I am guessing Iowa probably always takes the ball because they know if the other team wins the flip, they will probably defer (because for whatever reason, that is what most coaches do). This allows Iowa to almost always start each game the same way. There is comfort in that sort of familiarity.

Although that's true, it's better to have the wind in the 4th quarter since we might be forced to throw if we get behind. The other 3 quarters will have similar play mix whether we're behind or not (unless we get really far behind).
Although that's true, it's better to have the wind in the 4th quarter since we might be forced to throw if we get behind. The other 3 quarters will have similar play mix whether we're behind or not (unless we get really far behind).

I see what you are saying, but we would have a better chance of getting behind if we played 2 of the first 3 quarters into the wind (and a better chance of getting ahead if we played 2 of the first 3 with the wind).

Back in the day when field position mattered (and it still does for Iowa), I actually liked having the wind to start a half, giving you the upper hand in the field position battle for that half. Anymore, teams (other than Iowa) have so many explosive plays and score so much, I am not sure if that strategy is wise.
Here is a thought should the winds be as strong as they are forecasted. Maybe we should play CJ some when we are against the wind (since he has the stronger arm) and JR when we have the wind at our back?
Well if you told me the wind was from the West, It might be worse but here is where the wind will be coming from


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