Lincoln Coach Mihalovich

I'm hearing that he was the getaway driver for Trevon and company after the vandalism this past summer.
Heard this has to do with a hazing allegation, for which a previous warning had been issued. Crazy South-side SOB's.
Sounds like the kid got what he deserved if all he did was make him run for making dumb comments about the Varsity team on twitter....
Doesn't sound like the coach deserves to be permanently fired, but unfortunately when lawyers get involved schools will do whatever it takes to avoid being sewed. Mihalovich came to Lincoln during the lowest of lows for the football program. The team maybe won one game during my 4 years there. He made them at least competitive again. They can't fire him right now because of his contract but I don't think he'll be there next year.
Sounds like the kid got what he deserved if all he did was make him run for making dumb comments about the Varsity team on twitter....

This has been VERY common practice over the years across all levels of sport. Now, probably the more appropriate method would have been to call the player into the office and have a frank discussion about expectations of conduct and to tell him this is a violation of such conduct.

But, that does not change the fact that this is routine practice, but if the school has already warned him about such behavior, they can get rid of him. If not, he would win a wrongful termination suit.

Finally! Helicopter parents suck! Tell your kid to keep his freaking mouth shut and take away his phone! You should be embarrassed that your kid engaged in such classless behavior and responded accordingly, not freaking reinforced it!
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The pussification of our youth makes me sick. It's amazing how society has changed in the eight years since I was in hs athletics.
Should be interesting to see him going out for the Dowling team next year. I imagine the coaches are going to be cautious with a kid that has a mom that won't hesitate to lawyer up when her kid is disciplined. The kid also shows no problem using twitter to publicly bash his school.
The pussification of our youth makes me sick. It's amazing how society has changed in the eight years since I was in hs athletics.

The next gen of kids are horrible. No common sense, bad attitudes, and grew up in a school system that teaches them to cry to authorities over every little thing. Remember people, these are the same generation kids that will be patrolling the boarders and hostile war zone streets in a few years. Might as well change the army uniforms to pink and give everybody pillows to swing.
The pussification of our youth makes me sick. It's amazing how society has changed in the eight years since I was in hs athletics.
Finally! Helicopter parents suck! Tell your kid to keep his freaking mouth shut and take away his phone! You should be embarrassed that your kid engaged in such classless behavior and responded accordingly, not freaking reinforced it!

Amen to both. This is not the political forum...but the links are obvious
just wow. I'd be a billionaire if I sued for running punishments. keep This kid for from wrestling practice or You may see johnny Cochran.
What a joke...our bball coaches ran us all day with atleast one person normally puking. The p*ssification of America at its finest!

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