Kinnick - who was there?


Well-Known Member
As I watched on TV - Even as early as the pre-game, Kinnick sounded very quiet on Saturday night. Can anyone who was there confirm that it was pretty quiet - from the outset?
It was pretty normal for a Big Ten game at the beginning.

A night game only reaches insanity levels if it is a ranked opponent.... or OSU/Michigan.... or Iowa State....or a combination.
It just hasn't been as loud since the renovation, I think the fans can get as loud as they possibly can and it won't sound as loud.
It was normal Kinnick/maybe a little louder right at the beginning, especially with the fireworks. It was lame and quiet once Iowa pooped the bed. Then everyone left.
It just hasn't been as loud since the renovation, I think the fans can get as loud as they possibly can and it won't sound as loud.

That's interesting. Thought Kinnick would be louder because the press box is taller and longer.

Any one else on this subject?

Unfortunately I haven't been back since the renovations.

btw back in the day Kinnick would almost fill up with 50,000 to 60,000 plus fans... everyone would have a good time... the Hawks would lose and there would still be 35,000 or so at the end. Maybe more...
That's interesting. Thought Kinnick would be louder because the press box is taller and longer.

Any one else on this subject?

Unfortunately I haven't been back since the renovations.

btw back in the day Kinnick would almost fill up with 50,000 to 60,000 plus fans... everyone would have a good time... the Hawks would lose and there would still be 35,000 or so at the end. Maybe more...

Kinnick is plenty loud, opponents and others say it is a tough road game, I think alot of people got quiet after the first psu score and the hawks 2 three and outs.
Not true... I was at last years game with Northwestern and it was insane fun! It was quiet (when people were not BOOING) because we were getting our clocks cleaned!!!
I would say about 20% left after 3rd quarter and another 20% left half way through the 4th. It was less than half full when I left with 30 seconds to go. It was pretty quiet after Penn State took the 14-0 lead.
I left at halftime. I couldn't deal with what I was seeing on the field. Again.
Was there. It was quite loud to start, the energy was great in there. After the flat start it was quiet. I have a couple pictures of the crowd before opening kick.


sorry the lights kind of took over this one:
I left at halftime. I couldn't deal with what I was seeing on the field. Again.

I have you beat, I looked at my wife after JVB dropped the ball on the ground for the other team to pick up and said, "If Penn State scores we are out, this happened and I exited my row. Couldn't stomach the two yokels next to me who were drunk as skunks talking about how great of a LB Morris is along with spilling popcorn all over the two kids sitting in front of them. Nothing like watching your team get smoked, AGAIN, while sitting next to drunk idiots who don't have a clue.

And yes to answer the thread, Kinnick felt like a funeral was taking place during that game, truly stellar.

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