KF now the B1G Ten's Dean of FBall Head Coaches


Well-Known Member
I think this is the first time that the Iowa head football coach has ever been the most tenured coach. It says a lot when you only have two coaches in over 30 years. I know some folks can get critical of the head coach, but I for one, appreciate KF hanging around and putting a competitive team on the field each year.
I think this is the first time that the Iowa head football coach has ever been the most tenured coach. It says a lot when you only have two coaches in over 30 years. I know some folks can get critical of the head coach, but I for one, appreciate KF hanging around and putting a competitive team on the field each year.

I'm pretty sure Hayden was the most tenured coach in the B10 at some point in his career.

Maybe after Bo left Michigan in the late 80s?
Kirk 5th longest tenure in the country. Beamer #1.

So we only have to create 4 more scandals to get to number 1 -- First Tressell then Paterno next Frank Beamer and Mack Brown to claim longest BCS tenure. Finally Pat Hill (Fresno State) and Larry Blankeney (Troy). Get to work guys.
You could win a lot of bar bets asking who the second most tenured coach in the Big 10 is. Ron Zook? That's amazing.
Why has me been coach so long?


Are I good guy at coaching?


Why some coach need win to keep job?


We hope you coach at Illinois as long as you want to!


Thnx guys. Me think u guys cool!


They're making fun of you numb nuts


Wut, y u guys be mean to zook?


Me took Illanoyse to Rose Bowl. Me good coach dammit!




Now Zook sad...


Y U no nice to zook?


Zook need hug...


Thnx guys!

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2 things I root for every football season:

1. Iowa to win the Rose Bowl

2. Illinois win 6 games and go to a stank bowl so they give Zook a contract extension. :D
You all fail to recognize the genius of Ron Zook. The Zooker is operating on the 20-year plan. Win 6 games a year for the first 19, and then shock the world for the 20th when he gets an 8 win season.

Ron Zook isn't overly concerned with winning. Obviously, he is the greatest coach in the country right now, maybe all time. But, he doesn't want to win every game he coaches. He is too nice of a guy for that. Ron Zook likes making friends, and he wouldn't be too popular if he beat the other coaches in the conference. Once Kirk leaves, you will all bow to the new dean of the Big 10 known as Ron Zook!
You all fail to recognize the genius of Ron Zook. The Zooker is operating on the 20-year plan. Win 6 games a year for the first 19, and then shock the world for the 20th when he gets an 8 win season.

Ron Zook isn't overly concerned with winning. Obviously, he is the greatest coach in the country right now, maybe all time. But, he doesn't want to win every game he coaches. He is too nice of a guy for that. Ron Zook likes making friends, and he wouldn't be too popular if he beat the other coaches in the conference. Once Kirk leaves, you will all bow to the new dean of the Big 10 known as Ron Zook!

Yay! This guy get it!


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