It's the Recruiting, Stupid!


Well-Known Member
Since 2011, Iowa has had one recruit in the ESPN Top 150 / Top 300.
Number of B10 schools with more ESPN Top Recruits than Iowa in that same period.
Hi, I'm look like a football player.....I know a little about football, wanna come join a great squad of kids that will life long comrades......No, wtf you mean No.....Missouri? Are you serious? Come'on man...we have Greg Davis....OC? Nat'l Champs? Vince Young? The heartland? We grow corn, beans, pork? That's all I got man......You're only 180lbs? Give me 4 years and I will make you an NFL OT or OG....
Well, you know, all 13 of those other schools just have better campuses, facilities, fans, and traditions than little ol' Iowa does.....
Too little, too the last couple years Ferentz has finally recognized he needed to upgrade marketing, staffing, and simply being more aggressive in their overall approach to recruiting. Unfortunately this now comes at a time when the program has been struggling and nothing trumps program wins in the recruiting world....even impressive facilities. If Ferentz can achieve an impressive year this season I think he may put together a decent recruiting class. If not, recruits may visit, come away impressed, and say the right things (as they always do) but few will come Iowa's way with a staff that either will be gone or will have a very uncertain future.

The "We're just Iowa" thinking has been evident in our recruiting for too long.
I have noticed a lot recently that many young men have been making terrible choices coming out of highschool. The University of Iowa is a great place to be both a student and an athlete. I would not have hesitated for one moment to take a scholarship offer from Iowa when I was a high school senior. Lots of young women see this such as Sam Logic, Tania Davis and other highly recruited athletes. It is time that the young men start making better decisions too, and come to Iowa for their college careers. Maybe there is hope for this generation yet.
Unfortunately I think we are in some short term recruiting trouble right now. Kirk is now recognized by most as a lame duck coach so no matter what type of season he manages to put together potential recruits will be leary of jumping into a program that is going to be experiencing some major staff changes in the not too distant future. I think we are once again in that familiar gray zone, and won't see significant improvement in the program until after we wrap things up with the current regime.....
Unfortunately I think we are in some short term recruiting trouble right now. Kirk is now recognized by most as a lame duck coach so no matter what type of season he manages to put together potential recruits will be leary of jumping into a program that is going to be experiencing some major staff changes in the not too distant future. I think we are once again in that familiar gray zone, and won't see significant improvement in the program until after we wrap things up with the current regime.....

And the last 3 years? How long has he been lame duck? I agree with your last sentence. I also thought Brian F. was supposed to clean up in Ohio and get a ton of talent to fill Iowa's trenches for years to come?

Ummm. Thank goodness for Morgan or IA wouldn't be able to field a team.
Losing to ketchup and mustard is the last straw for me. I cannot tolerate it. If they were good or even mediocre maybe, but as pathetic as they are, change is needed NOW. End of story
So sad, I imagine about 90% of the teams in the Power 5 conferences can claim this. Sucks when schools like Colorado State, East Carolina and Central Florida out recruit us.
Admittedly not knowing the reference, this is an excellent photoshop, right down to the Tigerhawk. It's just missing Ferentz signaling the truck to "go around".

I wish we still had the thumbs down. You deserve one for not knowing a dumb and dumber reference.
And the last 3 years? How long has he been lame duck? I agree with your last sentence. I also thought Brian F. was supposed to clean up in Ohio and get a ton of talent to fill Iowa's trenches for years to come?

Ummm. Thank goodness for Morgan or IA wouldn't be able to field a team.
This really needs to be said more often. Morgan is the one who finds so many of the linemen on both sides that turn out good for Iowa.
and its the OLine recruiting especially. Listen to the WUW podcasts from this week. They zero in on it.


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