I may hate Rhoads but I respect him...


Well-Known Member
At least he has the balls to change something when it's not working. Game 11, put in RS Fr Sam Richardson at QB after Jantz looked like **** and Richardson is actually looking good. Kirk could learn a thing or two from lil' bro.
Hell, Richardson just led them 90 yards downfield to score. Maybe Iowa has another QB on the roster that could do that, maybe not. Under King Kurt we will never know.
I don't hate Rhoads. He's a snaggle-toothed, hick-talking, air-guitar-playing, ball of emotion. If he was our coach, we would think he was the greatest thing since Hayden.
I don't hate Rhoads. He's a snaggle-toothed, hick-talking, air-guitar-playing, ball of emotion. If he was our coach, we would think he was the greatest thing since Hayden.
Dude, you speak the truth. I have been enjoying your posts lately.
Rhoads showed me he had balls when he went for two against Debby. KF couldn't even grasp the concept, let alone go for it.
Kansas may only have one win, but they were playing well lately. This game worried me. Who knew Sam Richardson would be the story today?
Rhoads to reporter.He looked like he was throwing the ball well in pre game warm ups so we thought we would give him a shot.
ya.. wierd stuff happens when you try something diff to spark a team.

Kirk just is so block headed and stubborn - he gets in his own way.

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