Glover visit off, Iowa has a recruit already.

Man that is weird. I was really hoping on getting both Glover and Hubbard. I find it hard to believe we would turn down a Glover visit just because Hubbard committed. Hopefully there is a mystery PG somewhere that just committed.
Lets see if this is actually true before we jump to any conclusions. I agree that it seemed like Glover was our main pg recruit,so gotta hope that they have another pg available. If it is Hubbard,that is good news,but still leaves us thin at pg.
Im with you, especially when he said it was someone Fran was personally recruiting.

That's my favorite part. It makes me feel like he knew what he was doing all along. Fran likes to keep things more quiet, so I would guess it is someone we haven't been talking about.
My dream world now is this is a PG commit, Hubbard jumps on board Saturday and then Olaseni pulls the trigger sometime before the end of signing period.
As I sit back here and smile at my desk, all I can say is that no one knows what is truly happening on the recruiting front except the coaches. They know what they are doing and we sit here as arm chair coaches trying predict/guess what it is or should I say who it is they are recruiting. It has been said before, but some people need to just sit back and enjoy the ride. We have a coach, a real coach, that will get it done!
Could it be someone like Gesell in next years class? Or do we know for sure that this player will be here this winter?

That's interesting, I didn't think about Gesell. But I don't think Fran wants to rely on just getting Gesell and starting him as a Freshman. I assume he is looking for a PG this year.

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