
Active Member
These from my "Sporting News Today" Q&A with the first Auburn, then Alabama, offensive lineman...

"At first, I really, really, really wanted to go to Iowa. I even told my best friend that I was going to Iowa. But when everything went down with them with the workouts and all, that was different. I had a bad vibe when I went there. Alabama may be far from home, but Iowa -- living-style wise -- it's just out there and just not me. I wouldn't have been able to thrive in that environment. I love their coaches and I love their team, but it was really just out for me."

I'm disappointed that he'd use the rhabdo thing as a reason for not coming, especially if he "love(s) their coaches" and "their team." Should we send a thank you card to both Dodd and Forde? :confused:
It's to be expected. When we have double digit kids hospitilized at the same time, it's going to look negative and other schools will use it against us
It has nothing to do with the Rhabdo. He doesn't want to live in the cold. Iowa was out of it before the Rhabdo incident.
Not sure rhabdo is the main reason he didn't come. Didn't he visit on one of the snowiest, coldest weekends of the winter? Maryland gets snow, too, but even during winter the temps are easily 20-30 degrees warmer and rarely fall below zero, even at night. Iowa winters are brutal, and if you don't think you can handle that sort of adversity, you don't belong in the upper Midwest. Rhabdo probably made it easier for him to focus on his doubts about being here.
Cyrus is fat and dumb and probably smells funny.

(and will be a terrific college football player that I wish had come to Iowa)

I have to say, as much as I love my Hawkeyes, I don't really want to live in Iowa during the winter either. January isn't the best time for kids to visit us.
Not sure rhabdo is the main reason he didn't come. Didn't he visit on one of the snowiest, coldest weekends of the winter? Maryland gets snow, too, but even during winter the temps are easily 20-30 degrees warmer and rarely fall below zero, even at night. Iowa winters are brutal, and if you don't think you can handle that sort of adversity, you don't belong in the upper Midwest. Rhabdo probably made it easier for him to focus on his doubts about being here.

It was single digits and miserable.
Even if Rhabdogate wasn't the main reason for not coming here, you can admit that it makes for hell of a lot better of an excuse, especially when you're talking to the media and don't want to perhaps say "Iowa was too cold for me".
I've heard from a pretty reliable source that this kid wouldn't have made it at Iowa and work ethic among other things were going to be issues.
Even if Rhabdogate wasn't the main reason for not coming here, you can admit that it makes for hell of a lot better of an excuse, especially when you're talking to the media and don't want to perhaps say "Iowa was too cold for me".

Well said.
He'll be just like Seantrel....unheard from again down in Bama...have a nice life Cyrus....everybody talked about Seantrel...I don't even know where he went to college.
Even if Rhabdogate wasn't the main reason for not coming here, you can admit that it makes for hell of a lot better of an excuse, especially when you're talking to the media and don't want to perhaps say "Iowa was too cold for me".

This is exactly my thinking on the matter.
It has nothing to do with the Rhabdo. He doesn't want to live in the cold. Iowa was out of it before the Rhabdo incident.

he has a bad vibe from the 'living style'. that was prior to rhabdo and it is consistent with what he's said all along. he liked iowa, the coaches, etc., but the visit was not to his liking. had nothing to do with rhabdo, so i agree with this poster i'm quoting.
he has a bad vibe from the 'living style'. that was prior to rhabdo and it is consistent with what he's said all along. he liked iowa, the coaches, etc., but the visit was not to his liking. had nothing to do with rhabdo, so i agree with this poster i'm quoting.

He was also quoted within a few days of visiting as saying Iowa felt like home.

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