an observation that made me shake my head


Well-Known Member
So it didnt really matter for this game, but its an issue that has been addressed pretty much the entire KF era.
So I took my girlfriend to the game this weekend, and I took her to two last year, shes also watched a hand full of away games on tv with me. She likes football, but she doesnt know the ins and outs or strategy that goes into it. But she found a trend from watching these games. In the first half she turns to me and asks "why do we always tend to waste our timeouts? " I had to laugh because I have asked the same question many times. I told her that we have always been terrible with clock management and that somtimes it costs us a win.
I know it didnt matter on Saturday, but to have her make that observation was pretty funny.
It is pretty glaring and noticeable yet it used to be worse.

The two wasted timeouts in the first half where one they had 12 guys on the field and the second they only had 10 on the field my have come from the coaches creating some different groupings of players.

One was on the punt receiving team.
It is hard to tell whether many timeouts are truly wasted. We don't have a quick strike offense, so saving three and expecting to execute a 2 minute drive is a fruitless endeavor. Save for the plays where it takes us too long to get the play call in, I don't think we waste too many. It ultimately comes down to the bad things that can happen if you don't call a timeout. Do you want the timeout or to save 5 yards so you have 3rd and 2 instead of 3rd and 7? Is it smart to call a timeout when the staff thinks the defense is gonna blitz and calls a screen or slant but then it becomes clear to the QB at the line that they aren't blitzing? Are we better off wasting that play or having a potential disaster when the LB looks like he is going to be right in the passing lane?
My wife noticed that the majority of the time when we change the play at the line of scrimmage, we run to the short side of the field. I was pretty proud of my wife for picking that up. She then proceeded to say that she watches way too much football with me, and I have to take her shopping or something some Saturday. Thanks a lot Iowa coaches.

Of course she knows I would never take her shopping on a Saturday during football season.
I don't know if it's so much a matter of "wasting" timeouts, but more like using (or not) using timeouts at the wrong times is something I've noticed. Kind of like with a minute left in the first half or tied late in the 4th quarter, you hand off two times in a row, which burns most of the clock, you get a first down, and THEN use one of your timeouts once there is little time left. Then they attempt to throw. ??????

I have seen our coaches do this on multiple occasions.

Or the 2005 Cap 1 bowl where they let the time run down despite having two TO's left. Luckily, Drew Tate and Warren Holloway bailed us out.
It is hard to tell whether many timeouts are truly wasted. We don't have a quick strike offense, so saving three and expecting to execute a 2 minute drive is a fruitless endeavor. Save for the plays where it takes us too long to get the play call in, I don't think we waste too many. It ultimately comes down to the bad things that can happen if you don't call a timeout. Do you want the timeout or to save 5 yards so you have 3rd and 2 instead of 3rd and 7? Is it smart to call a timeout when the staff thinks the defense is gonna blitz and calls a screen or slant but then it becomes clear to the QB at the line that they aren't blitzing? Are we better off wasting that play or having a potential disaster when the LB looks like he is going to be right in the passing lane?

^ this echoes my opinion exactly. It's not like the Hawks are built like the '13 Broncos wheye a couple timeouts can be cashed in for an extra td.
I don't know if it's so much a matter of "wasting" timeouts, but more like using (or not) using timeouts at the wrong times is something I've noticed. Kind of like with a minute left in the first half or tied late in the 4th quarter, you hand off two times in a row, which burns most of the clock, you get a first down, and THEN use one of your timeouts once there is little time left. Then they attempt to throw. ??????

I have seen our coaches do this on multiple occasions.

Or the 2005 Cap 1 bowl where they let the time run down despite having two TO's left. Luckily, Drew Tate and Warren Holloway bailed us out.

Wasnt It '08 Northwestern when we spiked the ball on 1st and goal with timeouts to burn?
Why is she watching the game in the first place, isn't there cookin' and cleanin' that needs to be done at your house? I can write this as my wife doesn't know my screen name...or what HawkeyeNation is.
You need to dump this chick fast.......way too many questions....who in the hell has time to answer......those questions could come at a crucial time when a) you're out of beer, but Iowa has a chance to score and you don't dare leave....b) Iowa is moving and you need to take a leak and that's all you think about at that particular moment....c) your cell phone goes off, you don't recognize the number but it could be important, or d) when you left the office early on Friday because "you had a friend coming into town", did you remember to lock up the office before you left......

I mean really these things could happen at that very moment when she opens her mouth and fires a question at ya.....:)
I don't think you can waste time outs in the 1st half. But the reasons why they had to call T/O were ridiculous.
Yet in the 2nd half we didn't use any. Still had all 3 when I looked up at the board with about 5 min left in the 4th. Didn't waste them when it mattered last Saturday.
It is hard to tell whether many timeouts are truly wasted. We don't have a quick strike offense, so saving three and expecting to execute a 2 minute drive is a fruitless endeavor. Save for the plays where it takes us too long to get the play call in, I don't think we waste too many. It ultimately comes down to the bad things that can happen if you don't call a timeout. Do you want the timeout or to save 5 yards so you have 3rd and 2 instead of 3rd and 7? Is it smart to call a timeout when the staff thinks the defense is gonna blitz and calls a screen or slant but then it becomes clear to the QB at the line that they aren't blitzing? Are we better off wasting that play or having a potential disaster when the LB looks like he is going to be right in the passing lane?

This assumes there is a 2-minute drive somewhere in Kurt's playbook. Mighty big assumption there, don't you think, Councilor? You'd get bounced out of court faster than Kurt decides which play to call for that sort of non-factual assertion, would you not?
My wife noticed that the majority of the time when we change the play at the line of scrimmage, we run to the short side of the field. I was pretty proud of my wife for picking that up. She then proceeded to say that she watches way too much football with me, and I have to take her shopping or something some Saturday. Thanks a lot Iowa coaches.

Of course she knows I would never take her shopping on a Saturday during football season.

There is still one more bye week.
It is pretty glaring and noticeable yet it used to be worse.

The two wasted timeouts in the first half where one they had 12 guys on the field and the second they only had 10 on the field my have come from the coaches creating some different groupings of players.

One was on the punt receiving team.

I don't understand this. Still averages out to 11 men if you ask me

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