Adventures in Offense 2013: Iowa

It never ceases to amaze me how dumb you make yourself look when you make a false assumption about what i think. It has nothing do if people disagree with me or not.

Not sure why I waste my time responding to you, though. It's a lost cause trying to reason with a ferentz defender.


It's a lost cause trying to reason with someone who thinks he knows everything. The main reason I did it today is because you felt compelled to lie in order to make yourself look better after you got called out for posting something unintelligent (surprise surprise... par for the course for you). What's funny is you speaking about making yourself look dumb when that's all you've been doing for the past several months.

Doclee - Thanks for the support. I'm well aware it's a waste of time responding to Freed, but I do it because he has an arrogance to his posts that makes it seem like he believes his opinion is fact. I enjoy occasionally reminding him that isn't the case.
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Come on man, don't you get it? The offensive failure of 2012 had NOTHING to do with G. Davis. The players just didn't excute properly. Ask ferentz and his cult followers on here if you don't believe me.


So you think the players executed last year? I don't think they did, and I don't think the coaches executed their duties either.
Derp Davis was a bad move guys. Ill give it another year but it doesn't look good, I am not holding my breath that we will see this offense work. I want kok back
It's a lost cause trying to reason with someone who thinks he knows everything. The main reason I did it today is because you felt compelled to lie in order to make yourself look better after you got called out for posting something unintelligent (surprise surprise... par for the course for you). What's funny is you speaking about making yourself look dumb when that's all you've been doing for the past several months.

Doclee - Thanks for the support. I'm well aware it's a waste of time responding to Freed, but I do it because he has an arrogance to his posts that makes it seem like he believes his opinion is fact. I enjoy occasionally reminding him that isn't the case.

I don't see any reason for us to converse. I don't believe you are what you say you are. You don't believe me. All it will be is back and forth.

And no, I did not lie.

Derp Davis was a bad move guys. Ill give it another year but it doesn't look good, I am not holding my breath that we will see this offense work. I want kok back

Let's see how this year goes. I don't think too many people were displeased when we came out of MSU last year at 4-2 with some positive momentum. Let's see, OT victory, Weisman over 100 against a good defense, and our D held their running game in check. Then what Weisman, Scherff goes down, Donnal goes down. Let's move Tobin to left tackle, put a revolving door of left guards in, and expose our undersized center to interior pressure...oh, and we have a redshirt freshman right guard still trying to figure it out.

The above scenario had a cascading effect throughout the entire team. Our offense, without the threat of the running game, was extremely vulnerable to pressure. We didn't have receivers that could stretch the field, which really didn't matter, because our QB couldn't hold the ball long enough to let them get downfield. Our defense was exposed because they were on the field the entire game. It all was connected to those injuries on the offensive line...and RB.

This year...the OL appears deep, and you have alot of guys with talent who got their feet wet last year. They also appear to have a major chip on their shoulders. I like the way 2013 is shaping up. Defenses will need to adjust to us, not the other way around.

Yeah, I think it deserves another year.
Let's see how this year goes. I don't think too many people were displeased when we came out of MSU last year at 4-2 with some positive momentum. Let's see, OT victory, Weisman over 100 against a good defense, and our D held their running game in check. Then what Weisman, Scherff goes down, Donnal goes down. Let's move Tobin to left tackle, put a revolving door of left guards in, and expose our undersized center to interior pressure...oh, and we have a redshirt freshman right guard still trying to figure it out.

The above scenario had a cascading effect throughout the entire team. Our offense, without the threat of the running game, was extremely vulnerable to pressure. We didn't have receivers that could stretch the field, which really didn't matter, because our QB couldn't hold the ball long enough to let them get downfield. Our defense was exposed because they were on the field the entire game. It all was connected to those injuries on the offensive line...and RB.

This year...the OL appears deep, and you have alot of guys with talent who got their feet wet last year. They also appear to have a major chip on their shoulders. I like the way 2013 is shaping up. Defenses will need to adjust to us, not the other way around.

Yeah, I think it deserves another year.

I'm not a fan of the offense we saw last year, but I appreciate the wait and see approach. You made some very good points, and in general I like to remain optimistic. Hopefully he can tweak some things that will open it up more this year. Obviously we're all hoping injuries won't play a major role.

I'm trying to think of how to say this... I believe the Iowa offense has enough different ingredients to be successful. Several different styles of RB's, a couple very good TE targets, and they should have at least a couple serviceable WR's. It's pretty clear they won't have a deep threat at the WR position, but I think there is enough variety there to keep defenses off balance. GD just needs to figure out a better way to get the playmakers the ball. Not using CJF much until the end of the season last year was a goddamn travesty.
I remain a KF sympathizer and I don't think it's acceptable at all. Matt Canada came in and had zero problems putting points on the board at Wisconsin in year one. Look what they did to Nebby in the B10 Championship. I wouldn't ever make excuses for GD. What we've seen out of his offense so far makes me want to vomit.

I think you are being a bit selective with your memories of Wisconsin football last year. I seem to recall a very rocky start for their offense culminating in the firing of an offensive line coach prior to start of conference play......
If I remember correctly Wisconsin kept pretty much the same system intact and did have some trouble early on especially with their qb's. the Davis system is such a complete departure from what we ran before that it seemed like our guys never really grasped it all season. I for one have strong feelings as to whether it can ever be ran successfully at Iowa.
If I remember correctly Wisconsin kept pretty much the same system intact and did have some trouble early on especially with their qb's. the Davis system is such a complete departure from what we ran before that it seemed like our guys never really grasped it all season. I for one have strong feelings as to whether it can ever be ran successfully at Iowa.

What's your opinion? Personally I think we should go to an offense more like Wisconsin's. Similar program with more success on offense over the last 10 years. Wisconsin typically runs the ball about 65% of the time and we're usually around 50%. The only years we were above 60% 2001, 2002 and 2008 we finished 1st, 1st, and 3rd in scoring in the Big 10.
I remain a KF sympathizer and I don't think it's acceptable at all. Matt Canada came in and had zero problems putting points on the board at Wisconsin in year one. Look what they did to Nebby in the B10 Championship. I wouldn't ever make excuses for GD. What we've seen out of his offense so far makes me want to vomit.

you just gotta understand, the Iowa offense is highly complex requires the players to execute it flawlessly. It takes t i m e to master those 3 running plays.
I thought for the longest time that there really wasn't much wrong with KOK's offense except the way we ran it. Wisconsins is very similar to KOK's but with more man blocking in the run game and they ran it very aggressively as opposed to overly cautious way we did. It seems like KF gets a little too concerned with balance sometimes too. I think if you excell in one area a little bit more than another by all means play to that strength. Like Hayden said scratch were it itches.
Let's see how this year goes. I don't think too many people were displeased when we came out of MSU last year at 4-2 with some positive momentum. Let's see, OT victory, Weisman over 100 against a good defense, and our D held their running game in check. Then what Weisman, Scherff goes down, Donnal goes down. Let's move Tobin to left tackle, put a revolving door of left guards in, and expose our undersized center to interior pressure...oh, and we have a redshirt freshman right guard still trying to figure it out.

The above scenario had a cascading effect throughout the entire team. Our offense, without the threat of the running game, was extremely vulnerable to pressure. We didn't have receivers that could stretch the field, which really didn't matter, because our QB couldn't hold the ball long enough to let them get downfield. Our defense was exposed because they were on the field the entire game. It all was connected to those injuries on the offensive line...and RB.

This year...the OL appears deep, and you have alot of guys with talent who got their feet wet last year. They also appear to have a major chip on their shoulders. I like the way 2013 is shaping up. Defenses will need to adjust to us, not the other way around.

Yeah, I think it deserves another year.

Let's not kid ourselves....MSU was not a good football team last year. If Maxwell wasn't equally as terrible as JVB, we wouldn't have won there. And let's not forget our losses were to a pretty mediocre Clown team at HOME (where even pathetic clowns teams are able to pull off victories over some of the best Hawkeye teams ever)and to.....not even going to say it b/c it's so pathetic. 4-2 against those teams means absolutely nothing and should not be the basis for the we-were-doing-pretty-good-until Weisman/Scherff/Donnal went-down argument. Would've likely been 0-6 or 1-5 vs any teams with a pulse. This argument is so weak and played out. We were a horrible football team in a horrible conference.

Hopefully the team shows major improvement this year, and plays with a chip on their shoulders like KF coached teams used to do. If not, this is going to be another brutal year.
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Correct. The Bigten is a mediocre FB conference which is something that seems unlikely to change, and Iowa was at or near the bottom last year. What happens for Iowa going forward, I'm not sure about.
Nationally, the team has comparatively mediocre talent still. That is not likely to change. In conference, other than the big three, I'm not so sure.
I think you are being a bit selective with your memories of Wisconsin football last year. I seem to recall a very rocky start for their offense culminating in the firing of an offensive line coach prior to start of conference play......

Okay Rifler you got me there... I'm guilty of remembering Wisconsin's year by the way they won the B10 Championship with a complete demolishing of Nebraska. It's hard to get that out of my head because it was so fun to watch (as much as I hate watching Wisconsin do well it was great to see Nebby get stomped). I do recall them starting off the year a bit rocky. I think UNI even gave them a run for their money early on.
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Well, at least you are including how horrible the coaches executed as well. I can live that.


Who in their right minds thought our coaches "executed" last year? Not me. When KF says "WE DIDN'T EXECUTE" why do people think he is only talking about the players? He doesn't say the PLAYERS DIDN'T EXECUTE, he says WE.

Sometimes people around here need to think. Most people in charge understand it starts at top, and to be honest, I would bet that when he talks about execution he is talking about himself and his coaching staff, as much as he is talking about the players. It just isn't KF MO to throw anyone under the bus, including the coaches.
That's probably what has frustrated me the most about so many posts around here the last few months Deano. It's called selective hearing (or reading for message board sake). It seems to me that the second you try to make a point, if that point in any way deflects blame from the coaches, then you are immediately labeled as a Ferentz follower and everyone with a negative attitude jumps at the bait. Doesn't matter how logical or rational your approach is.

I've seen very few posters around here claim that they want Ferentz here for the long haul no matter what. Some of us just aren't ready to throw him to the wolves yet. The only people who have been sticking up for Ferentz have for the most part been saying his record at Iowa proves he deserves a chance. I don't think I've seen a single poster claim that the current state of the football team is not Ferentz's fault. He's the man in charge, he's getting paid the big bucks, and he needs to prove he can turn things around. If he can't do that, and do it soon, then he needs to go.

There's just an abundance of individuals with extremely negative attitudes, and as soon as they get a whiff of someone who doesn't feel the same way they do then it's like they stop reading things clearly. You're immediately labeled and what you're trying to say is taken out of context. It's like trying to discuss racial equality with a member of the Arian Brotherhood. They don't listen. They hear what they want to believe.

That's why I always appreciate reading Dean's posts. He's level headed and he uses facts when making his point. Can't argue with that. Specially when the facts are directed at someone who completely lacks the ability to have some perspective.
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Who in their right minds thought our coaches "executed" last year? Not me. When KF says "WE DIDN'T EXECUTE" why do people think he is only talking about the players? He doesn't say the PLAYERS DIDN'T EXECUTE, he says WE.

Sometimes people around here need to think. Most people in charge understand it starts at top, and to be honest, I would bet that when he talks about execution he is talking about himself and his coaching staff, as much as he is talking about the players. It just isn't KF MO to throw anyone under the bus, including the coaches.

When ferentz brings up lack of execution, it's highly doubtful he's referring to himself. I remember Jon Miller said something about having a converstion with ferentz about this a long time ago. Ferentz said that player execution is crucial, as usually the team with the fewest mistakes wins football games.

Does anybody remember this? If you do, please elaborate.

However, I don't believe feretz is referring to himself when he says "we just didn't execute well today". I think he's referring to the players. I mean, look how test he gets when any of the reporters are the least bit critical of him in a presser.

When ferentz brings up lack of execution, it's highly doubtful he's referring to himself. I remember Jon Miller said something about having a converstion with ferentz about this a long time ago. Ferentz said that player execution is crucial, as usually the team with the fewest mistakes wins football games.

Does anybody remember this? If you do, please elaborate.

However, I don't believe feretz is referring to himself when he says "we just didn't execute well today". I think he's referring to the players. I mean, look how test he gets when any of the reporters are the least bit critical of him in a presser.


When player's don't execute I think it's pretty obvious it's the coaches responsibility. That's why there are great coaches who always seem to have players that execute.
When ferentz brings up lack of execution, it's highly doubtful he's referring to himself. I remember Jon Miller said something about having a converstion with ferentz about this a long time ago. Ferentz said that player execution is crucial, as usually the team with the fewest mistakes wins football games.

Does anybody remember this? If you do, please elaborate.

However, I don't believe feretz is referring to himself when he says "we just didn't execute well today". I think he's referring to the players. I mean, look how test he gets when any of the reporters are the least bit critical of him in a presser.


When KF specifically references player execution, that is what he is talking about. If he says "we just didn't execute well today" why the heck would you think he is ONLY talking about the players? It fits your narrative is what I think. It makes zero sense to think that he is only referring to the players when he says WE.

I just don't get some of you. The coaches could make the perfect play call, in the perfect situation and if the QB overthrows a wide open WR, it is all for naught. By the same token the coaches could make the worse call at the worst time, and the RB could make a defender miss, and take it to the house. It takes a team effort of coaching and players executing, and just because you don't understand this, I am more than positive that KF does.

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