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  1. I

    Marcus Coker is Gone

    guess youre right...i think we should give kf another big contract and look the other way...didnt mean to offend ya because i dont bow to captain kirk...geez..
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    Marcus Coker is Gone

    i guess mr pedo...gonna keep my kids a long ways away from you
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    Marcus Coker is Gone

    why would i make any decisions for you? you think ferentz had a better year than rhodes?...take your blinders off...who won between the two this year?..with less talent...they won with a qb that wasnt good enough to keep his job..need some new blood
  4. I

    Marcus Coker is Gone

    so i sound like a 12yr old crackhead huh?...i dont know any 12yr old crack heads but evidently you do...hangin around with 12olds are ya? need help sir...because i dont swallow all kf dishes out i guess im on the rest of the running backs..
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    Marcus Coker is Gone

    no i didnt..why..they dont know what clock management means either?...4 mil a year and dont know what clock management is..embarrassing
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    Marcus Coker is Gone

    give me rhodes anyday...and i bleed black and gold..just fed up with it..rhodes has done so much more with what he has to work with than ferenzt...when was the last time ia has had a big upset?..when they almost beat minnesota?
  7. I

    Marcus Coker is Gone

    time for change....either that or cut his pay by 3 mil a year...with the talent he has had he sure hasnt produced...sorry...have had enough of a coach that has no idea what clock management is or what to do with timeouts...its bs
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    Marcus Coker is Gone

    thats what im trying to say...DJK has pro talent but ferentz put a bad word out about him to his buddies in cant tell me he never talked to any of his nfl friends about djk..
  9. I

    Marcus Coker is Gone

    sorry..not sure what ya want me to explain...folks are saying he is not paid to be a what is the difference of him or any other coach in div1?..they dont get paid to babysit either ...only difference is most make about a 1/4 of what he makes a year..if that...i know when other...
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    Marcus Coker is Gone

    and i wonder if it woulda been one of his kids it may be dont think he didnt say anything to his pro buddies about DJK being a bad person?,,,and i see one of his kids has a good job as a pro coach already...give me a break..whatever ferentz says most folks swallow without a question
  11. I

    Marcus Coker is Gone

    so youre saying fenentzs job is comparable to all the fans jobs? talking about if youre donating, you should know why he is messing it up...that is why we have a right to know whats going on..HE IS THE HEAD FOOTBALL COACH..IN THE TOP FIVE FOR SALARY!...thats why we have a right..and...
  12. I

    Marcus Coker is Gone you think its wierd that he runs off all the good running backs...maybe im missing something...and last i know all the college coaches dont get paid to babysit...but most dont have this kinda drama every year...
  13. I

    Marcus Coker is Gone

    good point socalhawkeye198.....captain kirk makes 4m a all of us who donate to his salary shouldnt have a explanation of why this **** is going on?...tired of the fukn secrets
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    Marcus Coker is Gone

    hello sir...i know one man does not make a team...but we have been hearing that alot when all the good players are leaving
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    Marcus Coker is Gone

    thanx again capt kirk! done donating
  16. I

    Peterson: Ferentz annoyed by questions.

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    special teams

    youre right..its the players fault they are never ready for trick plays...
  18. I

    special teams

    twice they have been asked about how **** poor the special teams are but somehow they dont address it....another fake kick against iowa today and of course iowa cant stop it...have they ever stopped a fake in the last few years..
  19. I

    SoundOff is so vanilla

    wmt radio out of cedar rapids has one...and they dont cut ya off if they dont like your call like miller does...600am