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    Lack of "pundit" respect.

    You've got to be joking? No one could actually say that and expect to be taken seriously. I'll go with C.C too.
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    ESPN First Take today

    I agree, if the hawks take care of business they will eat their crow. I normally don't get too upset with what the talking heads have to say. It just really angered me that he was willing to give Boise, TCU, and Cinci credit...but not the hawks. Say what you want about the big10, but you could...
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    ESPN First Take today

    Well...I guss I care. I'm not on the team, so me complaining about this has nothing to do with the outcome of the game this weekend (I agree that the team and coaches should only pay attention to this stuff for bulleten board material.) But, if you don't care, don't read it. Some people are...
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    ESPN First Take today

    I've read a ton on here how the ESPN/the media isn't taking Iowa seriously, which is fine, they are paid to voice their opinions. Just thought this particular segment, due to its unbelievable disrespect, deserved its own thread. I watch most of the football shows and haven't really been too...
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    Banks/Clark Play to beat Purdue...

    yes...that is KOK's crunch time play. We seem to run every time we need a play in tight spot. We ranit in the alamo bowl against Texas. This play was successful for a td, but chandler (i believe?) was called for a hold. We ran this play last year in a similar situation against NW. It didn't...
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    Alabama win vs iowa win

    Not to mention at the end of the CFB show on ESPN tonght the three were talking about how the big 10 hadn't lived up to expectations and the Pac 10 was looking tough. One of the guys went on to say, "yeah look at USC, Oregon, and Arizona". I about had to punch the t.v. Hello?! we beat AZ. That...
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    2008 Hawkeyes = 2002 Buckeyes

    i actually was thinking the same thing shortly after the win tonight. That team just found ways to win. Hopefully the hawk season ends as well as tOSU that year!
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    Anyone else in tears

    my fiance started crying...i was just speachless. Haven't felt like that since cap 1! This was sweeter tho IMO!
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    Anyone else going to be seriously anxious?

    I feel like i'm on "who wants to be a millionare". Every game the hawks win (every question answered correctly) the stakes get higher and there is more to loose. I love the ride, and don't want it to come crashing down. The hawks will win this game...that is my final answer!
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    Does Stanzi have a chance to make it to New York?

    I think he has a great shot if: A) The hawks end the season undefeated. B) Stanzi puts up great numbers the second half of the season C) Has an amazing game at the shoe The problem with Greene last year was he was on a team with 4 losses. That wont be a problem with Stanzi in this...
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    Shaun King not smart

    uhhhh...I don't get it. If a guy bashes on Iowa, he's an idiot. If a guy picks them to win the conference he's an idiot too? This guy actually picked Iowa to win the conference before the season and said he's sticking with them to win the conference in that segment. Finally there is someone who...
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    Jon...Rose Bowl hosts BCS nat. champ. game?

    How long has the BCS had this format, where the NC game is played a week later at the location of one of the BCS bowls? I thought the reason we played in the Orange Bowl in 2002 was because the NC game was at the Rose Bowl.
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    Not to put the cart in front of the horse...

    Wow, thats a lot of coin. It sounds like you've been to several bowl games and such, I take it you feel that it is well worth the money? Thanks, I appreciate your insight. If they make it to the Rose Bowl I'll buy you a beer!
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    Not to put the cart in front of the horse...

    ...or count the chickens before they hatch or any other "old saying". I was just wondering if anyone had an accurate guess of what it would cost to attend the Rose Bowl? My Dad and I have never been to a bowl before, and we always said if the hawks were to make it back we would try to go. Of...
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    Thursday Question: 08 vs 09 Hawks; Who Wins?

    I would have put the 08 hawks up against anybody towards the end of the season. No disrespect to the game Gamecocks, but I would have loved to see them get a shot at a top 10 team in their bowl. I think the 08 team was that good. I would take the 08 Hawks over the 09 Hawks right now. I like...
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    So...was the wegher injury just a rumor?

    That's good to hear. Even if he is out this weekend, sounds like he'll be ok for the long run. I really like to have A-Rob and BW both playing. Without BW, we would be getting a little thin at healthy rb's. With A-Rob being a fr. it will definately be good for the hawks to have another capable...
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    So...was the wegher injury just a rumor?

    If this has already been beaten like a dead horse I apologize in advance. Earlier in the week I read that he may have injured his hand. Haven't seen anything on it for a couple days. Was it proved to be a rumor? has he been practicing? has KF commented on it? Hopefully he's ok.
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    Cinci's Standing Tight Ends

    Not to ever question the great HF, but why did he have the tight ends stand? It doesn't seem to give the TE any advantage. Surely he had a reason. Anyone want to fill me in.
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    Cinci's Standing Tight Ends

    Was watching the Cincinati vs. South Florida game last Thursday. I only watched a few plays but, I thought I saw their tight ends standing "a la" HF. Is the cinci coach a deciple of HF? Anyone else ever notice this or was I seeing things?