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  1. C

    R. Pitino Postgame

    I admit that I've never felt one way or another about his old man but I too was impressed with the way jr handled himself throughout the game and during post game interviews. I hope he has success and is able to build a reputation for himself as a coach and not just as the son of a HOF coach...
  2. C

    What's on the menu for the tailgaiting crowd.

    We have a theme for every game. Today is Mexican and I believe taco salad, nachos, burritos and tequila are on the menu.
  3. C

    how many of you didn't go to iowa?

    Same here. My sister is the lone alum in my family but we all bleed black and gold.
  4. C

    Great Win for the Hawks

    If Rudock can keep gaining confidence each game and our secondary steps it up, I think we will surprise some people. I was optimistic all summer and am keeping that view. We are young and inexperienced but I am hopeful that this is the start of another KF turnaround.
  5. C

    ESPN: Top Ten Teams with Most To Prove

    It's nice that basketball is finally relevant again. I remember growing up watching games with my dad and having a great time. It has been painful to watch at times lately but am looking forward to the future with Fran and building on his success so far.