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  1. R

    Must Read UI-IU Preview

    Wow, that was painful. Why did you make me read that?.....
  2. R

    Anyone else surprised Iowa announces playing 2 quarterbacks?

    This program has no secrets. We all know who the starter will be.......
  3. R

    Nebraska beats us for another Hoop recuit

    Morrow was always Nebraska's to lose, so not surprised. Miles is having quite the recruiting year....
  4. R

    Jok doin his joint time

    Trust me, after an OWI, followed by driving without a license this is about the best deal he could have received.... Four days in jail, a monetary fine, restricted driving privileges for a period of time & he gets to keep his deferment. If he can stay out of trouble for the next two years his...
  5. R

    Lost Another One

    I agree that Fran's courtside personality needs to be tempered. This may not be hampering our recruiting, but I can guarantee that it isn't helping.....
  6. R

    Quarterback Issue At Purdon't Still Bothers Me

    Nope, no worries here...... (you realize there is a chance that you are the only person here who remembers this game).
  7. R

    Jok doin his joint time

    Re: Jok arrested again Well color me surprised, you are correct. The Gazette confirms Peter will retain his deferment. Good lawyer....
  8. R

    Assuming no Q change...

    It appears that you do a lot of thinking....
  9. R

    Jok doin his joint time

    Re: Jok arrested again I'd be surprised if he still had any opportunity for a deferred judgement, and would have to believe that his potential deferment disappeared as soon as he was caught driving without a license and received the contempt of court charge.....
  10. R

    Replace GD with Jake's high school coach and OC - video proof

    Iowa's current program is designed to coach a quarterback into submission. In recent years it seems like our most effective quarterbacks were the ones who refused to submit..... Think Banks, Tate, & Stanzi (junior season)....
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    Brett Bielema

    Bielema was an Alvarez hand puppet who actually started to believe that he was responsible for Wisconsin's success. Watch him fail at Arkansas. We don't want him in Iowa City.
  12. R

    Brown: Iowa schedule lacks flow after well-timed 2013

    I really dont think we should start ******** about this schedule..... Just sayin.
  13. R

    Big Ten is toast without miller

    Unbelievable, so who knew that all of the Big 10's 2014 - 15 football season hopes rested on the shoulders of Braxton Miller. Hell, I wouldn't have picked OSU to win the conference even with Miller. Just more idiots posing as journalists.....
  14. R

    Giddy school girl here!

    Have to agree.... If we are having a blackout game at Kinnick and want to distribute pom poms, the pom poms must be gold.
  15. R

    Jok - he gone

    I'm certain that they were all being driven by students with suspended licenses.....
  16. R

    Jok - he gone

    I'm not smoking anything, and where I come from a couple days in jail is jail time.... Regarding your use of terms like "stupid", "hardened criminal" & "thug" I will agree with stupid. The other two terms don't descrbe Peter and I never used them.
  17. R

    Jok - he gone

    You people who think that this is just a couple of minor moped related incidents being blown out of proportion are missing the point entirely. P.J. was charged with an OWI and had his driving priveleges suspended. While in the process of trying to obtain a deferred judgement on that infraction...
  18. R

    When will Iowa announce it's last 2016-2017 OOC opponent?

    Not sure why we should be responsible for finding a date for ISU. They can fend for themselves.
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    I've seen this reported on another site. They are saying that he is looking at options and will formally announce once he has a plan in place. Cannot confirm that any of this is true.
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    Not hard to follow at all. I understand exacly what G11 is saying.... ...."I know some guys simply don't have the personality to step up into these leadership roles, and I think Dev is just one of those guys"........