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  1. R

    Tennessee doesn't accept mediocrity

    I beg to differ. They just went 6-6 and accepted the TaxSlayer bowl invitation. That would suggest that they are just slightly more mediocre than we are.....
  2. R

    this cant happen!!!

    Don't see it. Pelini got fired because he was an idiot. Why would Nebraska hire another Fred Flintstone clone?... Kind of hope this actually happens though as it makes it much more difficult for Bielema to find his way back to Iowa City in 2-3 years when KF finally pulls the plug.....
  3. R

    Time to Start a Mobile QB Who Can Use His Legs

    When your opponent scores 51 points I would suggest that the quarterback position isn't where you look first for game changing results.....
  4. R

    13-0 Iowa not in the playoffs?

    Well to answer your question, I for one would consider this to be a fact while you on the other hand, I am certain, would consider it to be an opinion. The great thing about message boards though is that neither of us is required to provide evidence to support anything that is said here.....
  5. R

    13-0 Iowa not in the playoffs?

    That is correct. A 13-0 Iowa team with this weak schedule would not have been guaranteed a place in the playoffs. Probably would have required a situation where the other three teams were each carrying 2-3 losses.....
  6. R

    Minneapolis weather on Saturday

    I hope we get to see some CJ here. Not so much for his arm, but I really like what his mobility could bring to this game.....
  7. R

    Barta, Iowa Athletics Department, Hammered by espnW

    Something was going on here that had the potential to embarass the school, and considering the excessive politically correct environment that exists on the Iowa City campus I seriously doubt that it is simply related to this coaches sexual preferences. If anything, being a lesbian probably...
  8. R

    Maryland gets Hammered by BigTen office

    Kind of enjoyed this as I think Franklin actually started the feud. Will agree however that Edsall is a bit of a ******. Did not appreciate his sideline antics during their win over Iowa.....
  9. R

    OK, Who the hell steps up big this weekend?

    Seniors, all of em..... Upper classmen need to grab the wheel here and display leadership on the field.
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    FB post from Willies' guardian

    No way in hell would KF "promise" playing time to any recruit. I could however believe that some of the new young coaches on staff might oversell things a bit during the recruiting process.....
  11. R

    FB post from Willies' guardian

    If this is really about playing time then I'm truely at a loss....When Willies came to Iowa he knew he was signing with an "old school" program, controlled by an "old school" head coach. Now we're being told that (7) games into his red shirt freshman season he is dismayed about not being the...
  12. R

    Craft still sucks.

    Mica Hyde disagrees with you....
  13. R

    Final Record Prediction?

    I'll say 8-4 regular season & then we win our bowl game....
  14. R

    Maryland WAS favored

    I think what bothers most about this loss is the fact that we played so miserably, in all aspects of the game, and still came within a touchdown of tying things up in regulation. If we had simply played a mediocre game we would have won by 10-12 points.....
  15. R

    Running the Football

    There were a few. One in particular that I recall as a 3rd and 4 in four down territory. I really couldn't understand why we didn't just run MW, twice if necessary, to pick up the first.... We really gave up on the running game.
  16. R

    Georges Niang's body image is confusing

    Having lost that much weight I wonder if he has been forced to give up his signature move of backing a defender down into the paint. Might change his inside game a bit.....
  17. R

    Hawkeye freshman basketball player might take a redshirt

    You never know how these kids will really turn out. Hell, so far Oglesby has been a poor mans Oglesby......
  18. R

    I believe this year's team will be better than last year's team

    I agree. I think a lot of people are only comparing the perceived talent level of this team to last year's. Then, looking at how we finished last year, they assume that a lesser talented group of players will achieve a lesser result. I prefer to see it like this....(rating on a scale of...
  19. R

    Hawkeye freshman basketball player might take a redshirt

    I always saw Brady as a red shirt candidate anyway, just not big enough yet. This will give him some time to develop & get healthy. Will also make it easier on Fran as he will be able to use a more manageable 10 man rotation, which in my opinion is still too many.....
  20. R

    an observation that made me shake my head

    Jake was trying to sabotage CJ by using up all the time outs.....