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  1. S

    I'm Leaving HR/Rivals for Good

    Here's one thing I don't understand about this board. It appears that there are very few people on the OT board, because there are only 3 or 4 threads started per day. But, yet, when I start this thread, I get about a dozen replies within a very short time. So you guys must all be here on...
  2. S

    I'm Leaving HR/Rivals for Good

    No, I don't care about the "Wouldja" threads. Just had enough of the arrogance and heavy-handed tactics. Plus, HROT used to have a decent mix of politically liberal and conservative mods. Now Todd B. is basically the only moderator, and he is definitely far left. And anything even remotely...
  3. S

    I'm Leaving HR/Rivals for Good

    The moderators on that board used to be pretty good. But for some reason, Tom K. fired all the old moderators and put Todd Brommelkamp in charge. Bad move. Guy's got a huge ego and just randomly deletes half the posts he reads. JMO. I just wish the OT board over here had a little more...
  4. S

    Florida will name Will Muschamp as new Head coach

    So much for the Bob Stoops rumor.
  5. S

    Wait a Horner DIDN'T accept the job?

    Todd B. is an absolute joke. The guy needs to learn to check his sources. Earlier this week he posted that Bob Feller had died. When it was pointed out to him that Bob Feller had not yet died, he deleted the post and then started deleted every post referring to it. That's what happens...