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  1. U

    Arizona fans verbally and physically assault Iowa fans.......on video!!!

    Let me try to figure out how we all should behave here in Tucson, and get back with you. I think I'll start by trying to find out how the Hawkeye fans behave at Kinnick. I am sure you all agree that this consistently classy group of college football fans should be a role model for all NCAA...
  2. U

    Arizona fans verbally and physically assault Iowa fans.......on video!!!

    Hawke, Let me make it very clear; I do NOT condone the kind of behavior shown in the video in any way, shape or form. The idiots/morons (put whatever you like to call them right here) were in no way forced to be the idiots/morons/etc they were. I am sorry if that is the way you chose to...
  3. U

    Arizona fans verbally and physically assault Iowa fans.......on video!!!

    By the way; regarding the "incidents" on the scoreboard; the person running it is not exactly up to par. He got the name of the Arizona players wrong, at least through out the first half. Examples; Full's instead of Foles (our QB for crying out loud!), Grisby instead of Grigsby (our Senior RB!)...
  4. U

    Arizona fans verbally and physically assault Iowa fans.......on video!!!

    What a disgrace! I was at the game, and while there definitely was some friendly taunting and “let us who can cheer for our team the loudest†going on in the area I was at, and yes there were also "way too many" Hawkeyes in my area :-), there was absolutely no hostility or anything even...
  5. U

    U of Arizona AD, Greg Byrne

    Well... sorry if my discontent with the Arizona fans in question was interpreted as gloating. That was not the intent! But at least it is comforting to know that a lack of class can be found elsewhere as well. And don't worry, I am moving on now.
  6. U

    U of Arizona AD, Greg Byrne

    Dear Iowa Fans, First off; I am sorry that any of you visiting Tucson felt anything but welcome! We truly loved to have you visit, and hope you will come back again next time! I got the mentioned email from our AD, but had no clue what actually went on until I just now found a video of the end...
  7. U

    U of Arizona AD, Greg Byrne

    Dear Iowa Fans, First off; I am sorry that any of you visiting Tucson felt anything but welcome! We truly loved to have you visit, and hope you will come back again next time! I got the mentioned email from our AD, but had no clue what actually went on until I just now found a video of the end...